Huldra [they/them, it/its]

  • 48 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • I feel like people even on here want to have their cake and eat it too, so if they can't use the r slur they move to "-oid" type insults and just pretend they have no idea what lineage it has to ableist slurs and instead just do the exact same type of plausible denial excuses that right wingers use.

  • It also sounds like if it has been illegal to swim there for over 100 years, and theres still tests indicating that it's not safe, then shitting in the river makes sure that people wont actually have to swim in this dangerous water for these dumbass competitions?

    I mean they'll probably have more security on the actual days of the events but can they actually guarantee competitors that they wont be swimming with human waste at all? Should at least give an excuse for some of the athletes to start boycotting and ensure a proper controlled pool is set up instead.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    4 months ago

    What news outlets publish any kind of article about the suffering of disables people due to the environment?

    Genuinely I would like to know if you hear about how post covid disabled people suffer in any kind of mainstream media?

    Just because you construct an ideal justified victim of the UK heat doesn't actually excuse you from the reality of who will be victimised.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    4 months ago

    Great thread to prove my theory that Americans aren't actually real people, but just homonculi built with an inherent compulsive desire to be the greatest white people on the planet, and absolutely no restrictions on being dumb assholes about it.

  • Even just in normal use they are dangerous, there doesn't seem to be any helmet laws(nor would they be useful considering the buisiness model) and theres absolutely no built in bell or signal for the rider to use, while also being almost entirely silent, when even bikes make enough noise to be heard without earphones in.

    Even in suburban or literally rural areas you get menaced by these fucking things now, its ridiculous.