I'm the most Kkkrackkkers of Amerikkkans so my tradition is just getting drunk off mulled wine and re-watching bad holiday movies with relatives I only kinda like.

I'm sometimes a little jealous of people who have weirder shit going on, like gremlins who slam doors and steal sausages or shitting Christmas logs. We need to bring back weird ass half-pagan shit.

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    9 months ago

    Not mine, but I went to the netherlands about 10 years ago around christmas time and boy is their version whack. For some reason their santa dresses like the pope and comes to the netherlands on a steam boat from Spain. Then there's his pet slave who kidnaps children....

    The only thing the Dutch got right about christmas is a tradition of spending boxing day in bed reading a book.

    • dreugeworst@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      That's the feast of Saint Nicolas, not Christmas, celebrated on December 5th or 6th depending where you're from. This is also the origin of santa clause, the custom having been taken to the US by Dutch immigrants and it morphed there

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        9 months ago

        Look, if you're going to celebrate Saint Nicholas bringing gifts in December it's Christmas, even if you do it on the wrong date.

        Plus, the modern Santa has been influenced by Sinterklaas, but is mostly just the English Father Christmas wearing red rather than green. Even the American version of Santa has never been of the pope arriving by steam boat from Spain.

          • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
            9 months ago

            It's a common myth, but no, the modern image developed somewhere around the end of the 1800s, and coke started using him in the 1930's. No idea when the red came in, but it was definitely before the coke marketing campaign, as there's cartoons from the 1910's or so that show the modern fat jolly red dude.