The US is obviously on the decline and in some ways it has already collapsed, but I'm talking about the timeline for the end of the collapse, not the beginning. It's tempting to believe itll happen in my lifetime, but i fear that might just be cope on my part. I hope I'll be alive to witness the death of the thing I hate most in the world, but it feels a bit like millenarianism to confidently state "hell yeah, the final collapse is gonna happen during my lifetime," so I'm hesitant to hold out hope for it. Every time I've hoped for anything, it hasn't happened.

Do you think the US can resist balkanization and/or another form of the collapse of state power for 20 more years? 50? 100? What do you think will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and why? How do you think power will reorganize in the aftermath? Sound off in the comments below, and don't forget to like and subscribe.

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    3 年前

    Again, as long as there is a "fed gov" in DC run by some ghoul or another, no-one, not one goddamn lib politician will give a floppy wet fuck about migrants being killed at the border; they're doing that right fucking now under a lib government. It's not some future hypothetical, this is happening right as we speak. Gavin fucking Newsom's equally lib future replacement is not going to secede because Texan chuds murder people, that's never gonna happen, he has nothing to gain from it, and even if Californians rose up, he'd sooner call the billion-dollar-funded California police and national guard to just murder protestors until they give up while handwringing on tv about how awful it is that those poor people are dying at the border, but this is a country of law and order and protests must be done through the proper channels or whatever. We've seen last summer's BLM shit, with Whitmer, Newsom, Cuomo, DeBlasio and all these other "progressive" monsters condemn police violence with one hand while calling for protesters to be shot and plowed through by ravaging police cruisers with the other.

    They don't give a fuck. They are safe and insulated.