Since COVID is really popping again, I'm going back to masking. I would wear KN95/N95s but those stink after a while and you can't wash it. Cloth masks aren't as effective but has to be better than nothing, right?

Is there any special type of mask which can be reused and washed while having ok protection against COVID?

  • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
    1 year ago

    There's no washable mask I know of that offers decent protection against covid. I think part of the problem is that some of the efficacy of protective masks is due to the electrostatically charged filter media which is screwed up by getting wet. Closest you'll probably find is a semi-stylish elastomeric mask with small replaceable filters.

    My family and I mainly use Evergreen Cleantops . They're great, authentic KF94's. They have a version with adjustable earloops for a couple bucks more but I prefer to just feed the loops of any mask through little 10g o-rings to adjust. Here's the Armbrust review. 99.8%, good breathability.

    Been using some Savewo masks recently too. The colors aren't as protective but they're still over 90% with good breathability.