It happens all the time in fiction though and we know libs guzzle that as theory. Books are choke full of the evil demagogue types that need to be stopped by the brave status quo fighters, or they do something horrible like take the power.
For real. If I wanted power I’m just going to be a fascist politician or business owner who’s friendly to the colonial powers. Why the hell would I bet my entire ambitions on a revolution that has the deck stack against it?
They just wanted to become dictators in the most difficult way possible, making the most powerful enemies in the world.
the old trick of fighting on behalf of the most powerless people in society to gain power. Its so obvious
It happens all the time in fiction though and we know libs guzzle that as theory. Books are choke full of the evil demagogue types that need to be stopped by the brave status quo fighters, or they do something horrible like take the power.
its just like Gambo Potter Star Wars Marvel!!!!
For real. If I wanted power I’m just going to be a fascist politician or business owner who’s friendly to the colonial powers. Why the hell would I bet my entire ambitions on a revolution that has the deck stack against it?