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OP, you should really change your title.
A great rule of thumb is that if a media outlet says they IDed a killer like the Zodiac Killer - it's a lie and company well knows it's a lie. But it's a lie the outlet can sort of get away with by saying "So-and-so said..."
I am too lazy
This is not Reddit2 and you can edit your title. "I'm too lazy" is fucking bullshit. Also - fuck you.
I'll have to report it. No other choice. Downvoting isn't possible.
IDK it's really feeling like reddit rn dude. :che-smile:
(but lol so many people don't seem to realize you can edit titles here)
there has been a weird shift of late, I'm hoping we do a purge and it all settles out. too many people talking about being lonely or sex, it's not right.
I mean, I was just joking around because of the tone of @inshallah2's comment, but hell yeah :volcel-judge:
Jokes aside, there was a weird vibe for like a week, but it seems to be settling down.
Because i thought it was sufficiently addressed by the added addendum
If you edit the title to remove the sensationalism - you get fewer upvotes and there are fewer comments. You've been to reddit for more than a few minutes and you knew this sort of stuff already. Or am I making an unjust assumption?
I take great offence at this comment mostly because this asserts that I care about my hexbear dot net upvote score enough to make clickbait lol
Let's have a review...
Downvoting posts is not possible
Downvoting comments is not possible
Blocking people is not possible
You posted sensationalism. And when this was pointed out to you - you refused to change the title. Your self-text explanatory excuse drivel is disappointing.
I'm not everybody's cup of tea. If downvoting comments were possible - this comment might do (very) poorly. I can't say that I care.
If you want to respond to this, feel free, but I do not wish to continue this conversation.
edit the post title or mods will most likely remove the post
edit: keep in mind misleading titles and fake news is against the rules of this comm. This update, like all things, needs to be verified and nothing is conclusive yet, so the current title misrepresents the material.
The Zodiac is unmasked every 5 years, Jack the Ripper every 10. this is the way of things
I'm actually surprised TMZ actually published an article with his name.
I would expect them to do something really shitty. Like this morning they posted a ~5 minute vid on Youtube. They didn't give his name. Instead they gave just enough details to titillate but far too few details to make googling him or his name possible.
In the last 20 seconds of the vid the narrator intones "To learn more - watch TMZ Exposes the Zodiac Killer broadcast live on our channel at 9 pm eastern time!"
This is Ted trying to get ready for 2024.
“There’s no ego here,” he said. “We do this to solve cases.”
well that checks out, there'd certainly be no prestige or fame involved in cracking the Zodiac case!
TMZ citing Fox News citing an Army counterintelligence goon. Phew...
I've yet to see a convincing argument that death is real, let alone that humans are behind it. Have you considered these mysterious "serial killers" are simply scientist covering up the wholes in their morbid theory? We can't admit these people simply left, there had to be a maniac! Where is the maniac? Nobody knows!
little less sensationalist than TMZ