sokopsisss [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2021

  • It would actually work really well as a talking point for lefties. Like you have to have the excessive branding otherwise your brain would just identify all these things as the creation of labor and see no contradictions. It's the profiteer trying to reinsert himself into a relation that only needs to exist between people and the things they create.

  • I think it's at least partly because during the earlier days of covid a lot of people moved back in with their parents, sold off cars, gave up healthcare and cable along with other long term reductions in living expenses. If you are confident you aren't immediately going to starve and go homeless you can handle a lot of smaller day to day expenses with gig work, giving a strong point to negotiate in an entry level forever jobs market.

  • If the libs seriously pursue UBI it is going to happen and there is no credible way for the left to oppose it. Whatever quibbles about the specifics are going to be countered by the fact that left leadership is millionaires denying money to the poor or that the left has already compromised constantly when it meant career advancement at the expense of the poor.

    Hell, UBI Trump is probably the closest thing our politics has to a win button.

  • I think we've already been shown how to handle it and probably by the same people doing this op. You'd point out they never talk about the other countries with much worse records in all areas, ask why they are so obsessed with hating on Asian people and just tell them to stop being a bigot.

    Don't even go into some kind of complex geopolitical argument or imply there actually is one, just make the issue about cranky reactionaries bothering normal people with their nonsense.

  • I really don't think this is true. Take the people here for example; people bring up all the time they hate the hiring process, they hate the feeling of isolation going to jobs where there are no other leftist. These are things are are addressable without hurting anyone outside of the bosses. Organization can game the hiring process, it can coordinate so you are more likely to get hired on at the same time as other leftist, it can eventually put a leftist in charge of the hiring process and give you an in. From there you can seed the ground for a union, etc.

    I just look around and I really don't think the material needs most people have are at the imperial plunder level. The very grandiose stuff I feel like is people searching for a psychological balm to deal with the state of the world when steady work with people who are already ideological allies would serve that need better.

  • It's looping back into the same issue the video is trying address. ie framing the core issue as that all these people are lazy, shallow, or just don't care about indigenous people that much as the reason they aren't engaging more deeply. I think this is the other key part of the pitfall described at the start of the video. In a way creating intentionally alienating, obfuscated, or useless efforts is desirable in the west because engaging with such efforts any way is used to demonstrate moral superiority. It's saying "I have suffered and sacrificed and therefore am right"

    When from a marxist perspective the question should be why most of the working class finds no reason to join the types of organizations the left is creating. That way the issue comes into sharp relief, it's the lack of any material incentive. The problems most workers have aren't addressed by the organizations.

  • The top in that he's one of the most visible leftist in the country and the second thing is the point I'm making. There's nothing stopping the streamers from doing what the older leftist leaders did and using that status to fund larger efforts.

    It's just an obvious point of conflict to me that if you constantly tell people to organize from scratch and donate to this thing or that, it is going to be an issue when people realize the money is already there.

  • I think people are upset because when you have a movement that runs almost entirely on volunteer labor and donations while the top of it is millionaires it makes the left look like an MLM scheme. Like the whole thing is just arriving in the same space the progressive NGOs did where they realize they can manage a profitable coexistence with the issues rather than really trying to solve anything.

  • sokopsisss [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I've yet to see a convincing argument that death is real, let alone that humans are behind it. Have you considered these mysterious "serial killers" are simply scientist covering up the wholes in their morbid theory? We can't admit these people simply left, there had to be a maniac! Where is the maniac? Nobody knows!

  • I think it's something the US will eventually have to do. In the red states especially, many of the aid programs are already sabotaged and when they tried to allocate money to help people with rent, the states were able to block it and let it sit doing nothing. So the obvious solution becomes to bypass this in general by doing universal programs at the federal level with the money we were going to spend anyway.

    Personally, I don't think there is a strong argument against it. The left was just scared of Yang siphoning young voters away. There are already states that essentially don't have unemployment or any accessible public housing and I know I wish I could have just gotten 1k to sort things out instead of trying to go through all these hoops trying to get money out of intentionally horrible programs.