
something to do with the media trying to fan the flames of a new cold war? maybe r*dditors might introspect about consequences of their own rampant fearmongering? no sweaty dont be silly, its black peoples skull shape

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I was kind of joking

    I'm not white so I kind of like the idea of literally existing to subvert America, like I'm part of invading force spreading CRT, cultural Marxism and then just destroying infrastructure, literacy, the environment, everything. Just absolutely motherfucking everything with my mere presence, being part of a caravan crossing over the border like a barbarian horde

    I am a barbarian, I am a horde, I am 100% that

    like literally the moment I was born I was like "Burn Loot Murder, iphone Venezuela" and just set to work smashing the white race

    it's a funny concept to me, like a reverse Reconquista. A lot of fascist rhetoric is kind of amusing when you take it 100% literally, like no joke some of them acknowledge white people are intellectually inferior to Jews but they say that the Aryan race is morally superior and as such should inherit the Earth