Hard mode, don't mention cars.

  • chlooooooooooooo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    as humans we harm nature when we live in it.

    definitely not true, not generally anyway. the modern, western-dominated form of human civilisation is absolutely harmful to the environment around us, views it as a resource to be exploited rather than a gift to be cherished. but humans haven't been living in such destructive ways for most of history, and there are still hundreds of millions of people around the world living in ways that not only don't harm the natural world, but actually support it in a symbiotic relationship.

    this is how indigenous peoples all across the world have lived for thousands of years, managing and supporting the environments that in turn support them in a sustainable and stable way, and it's why indigenous rights to exist and maintain their ways of life are wrapped up with ecological issues too. it's why all across the world they're the ones getting brutalised and killed by extractive western industry that encroaches on their land and consumes everything in its path. it is important to not project the flaws of western, capitalist lifestyles on to the whole human species.

    • p_sharikov [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's not just modern western civilization though. Mass extinctions occurred wherever prehistoric humans migrated, and indigenous peoples frequently used slash and burn techniques and other agricultural methods that are definitely not eco-friendly. Obviously their impact still pales in comparison to capitalism, and they had a much more spiritual relationship with nature than us alienated proles, but humans are still an invasive species in general.