At this stage. Act like he has to earn your vote. The dumbasses who are out there since the moment Sanders dropped saying they will vote Biden for harm reduction means that Biden doesn't have to do shit! Stupid liberals who don't seem to get how to get your agenda in a representative democracy are going to get us Austerity.

    • Deadend [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Right, they just point at the Republican guy who is actively plotting on murdering you the moment he's in office and goes "because I'm not him!"

      • Nezgul [he/him]
        4 years ago

        And it's like this for every fucking Republican president. Every time I ask ultra libs "when does vote blue no matter who end? when are you suddenly allowed to vote your values," their answer is always "After Trump is gone."

        Do they not understand that Trump is a typical fucking Republican in terms of his awfulness? He is just being explicit about it.

    • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Obviously they just want Trump to win, like Biden's been nicer to us because he knows he probably needs to at least, coalition with some people on the left hence the Warren and Bernie stuff but all these Biden bros are ruining it for him by being so mean to us :C.

  • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    Tell all libs in your life 'I'll only vote for biden if he picks up some of Bernie's policies' to terrify them, with the spectre of the cheeto, into stanning Bernie policies. Then vote Biden anyway (if in a swing state)

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    If you can't say what's wrong with our system without prefacing it with "I'll vote for Biden, but..." then you've been bullied into liberal affectation. Voting isn't an sign of your character. The harm reduction argument makes no sense in any way. You're not saving marginalized groups by voting for Biden. What a dumb thing to think. Whatever scary things you think Trump is going to do in the next 4 years will simply be done by the next Republican when they get in office. Only it'll be worse than what Trump can do because there was at least 4 years of a Democrat laying the foundations for it, normalizing it, and pushing politics to the right. The only real harm reduction is socialism. You have to actually change the system to help marginalized groups. No amount of voting under the current system is reducing harm in any way. It just makes you feel better and provides emotional leverage to bully people into making a false dichotomy.


  • throwawaylemmy [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Anyone saying he doesn't need to earn their vote are pure idiots. Plain and simple. The whole "#VoteBlueNoMatterWho" platitudes are fucking dumb. If your candidate can't state his policies often and clearly ("BUT WHY IS BERNIE USING HIS STUMP SPEECH AGAIN!?"), they are not worth voting for. Full-stop.

  • Frickingfrack [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Honestly it's ridiculous how many people are willing to vote just because not trump.

    Trump needs to go but Jesus fucking Christ what's the point of him being gone if nothing gets better. It could potentially get much worse under Biden just in different ways and yet the same.

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My idea is if Biden wins, we'll kick his ass because all the boomers go to sleep but we stay awake and continue the good work. Bill Clinton and his ilk will have to learn he's the one stuck with us the hard way. Could've just gone with Bernie, but now we gotta do this the not-so-nice way since these fuddy duddies don't know a whipper snapper from a jughead so we'll take them to town and take over this party of decrepit bastards whether they like it or not.