The principal of this school and mayor of the town (pictured in the bottom-middle photo) is nicknamed "Happy" :cringe:

    • Ovuan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Have you seen american entertainment? they literally get mad if some shitty mass entertainment story doesn't have porn or atrocity porn in it. It's actually considered "deep" if the story has some type of porn or atrocity porn in it.

      Look at shit like "Last of Us" to see how crappy atrocity porn is celebrated as if it was "deep". What's the value of a rapist wanting to rape a kid? how does that make the story good? what does it contribute? the whole zombie genre, loved by americans, is the epitome of it: white middle aged dude needs to save his loved ones from hordes of monsters is literally the worldview of white american boomers.

      america is culturally bankrupt and frozen in time. What systemic piss poor education and functional illiteracy does to a society.

      I believe that ultimately the need to propagandize western masses with war propaganda to justify mass atrocities for generations and generations have left these societies deeply scarred at a psychological level. If you are told that literal rape and murder is good, that humans are basically objects, that any concept of community is bad, that you must literally fund the most blatant rape and murder with your taxes, you would inevitably fall in the hellhole that anglos have fallen into.