What does it say about the artistic decadence in anglo societies that they are still doing the whole "poor war criminals" theme in 2021, complete with made-up Iraqis supporting the war criminals lmao?
Like, even from a profit based angle, this is just pathetic to see.
Decline and decadence do not spare anything after all, including art. It's the ultimate price barbaric societies are fated to pay. Even artistically speaking, anglo societies are entering an even darker age.
A western-watcher would say that the collapse of western art is intrinsically related to their adherence to the most extreme forms of Christianity (that's what "western liberal values" ultimately are), where the world is divided between "saviors" (people with the same exact worldview of white american boomers) and "evil-doers" who are reduced to caricatures, no in between, no subtlety, no understanding of culture or history, no curiosity. Occasionally one of the "evil doers" is given "development" only to merely give emotional support to the "saviors", like western propaganda quoting some fascists in other countries to support american barbarism.
These are the same people who think they are culturally diverse societies but can't produce and are materially forbidden from producing anything that deviates from the most extreme forms of western imperialist "liberalism".
The obsession of anglo societies with atrocity porn in fiction is also a manifestation of such psychological rot. For example, some anglos praise games like "Last of Us" for its story, but it is yet another atrocity porn story with some makeup to make it seem deeper than what it actually is. It's bottom-tier art, complete with "white middle age man" saves girl from evil world. It's like a caricature of the worldview of white conservatives lmao, this is basically why they hate anything remotely "foreign". How can even self proclaimed "progressive" anglos praise such turd is beyond me.
A perfect encapsulation of how late-stage western imperialist decline is intrinsically related to their artistic decadence was given by western regimes literally concealing the Guernica in powell's presentation at the UN: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2003/02/guer-f08.html
I can see it was obviously inspired by Israel (because the co-director and co-writer said so) and obviously all media produced by a society is influenced by that society in some way. I don't know much more than that because I haven't played the game, and I probably never will, so that's kind of where my involvement in this discussion starts and ends. No one's stopping you from enjoying the game, though.
Oh so you literally don't know what you're talking about, lmao.
Thanks for wasting our time.
Your first comment in this thread was "The last of us is great and you’re dumb", and all you've really done here is deny that the story is a liberal's POV of Israel even though that liberal said in an interview that it was based on his POV of Israel. This whole thread of comments, in my opinion, has been a waste of time.
Like I said, you can enjoy the game just fine if you want to, but the guy who helped write and direct it is pretty clear it was based on Israel, so I don't think it's useful to deny that angle for media criticism/analysis of it.
No, I said that their dumb fuck opinion is clearly not applicable to reality, and the idea that the game represents the Palestine occupation to anyone but terminally online dipshits that read every thought of one game dev is hilariously stupid and as such shouldn't influence anyone's opinion on an excellent game, but okay. Keep on keeping on, comrade.
I'm sure the game is good, honestly. I'm also sure that it was inspired by the occupation of Palestine because the co-writer said it was. Like I said, you go ahead and enjoy it.
So it is good, and you are dumb for pretending a liberal fully articulated himself In that game, and I was right?
Cool. Bye
:jesse-wtf: What does this even mean? All I'm saying is that if you think the game isn't at all based on the Palestinian conflict, you're clearly sticking your head in the sand because the co-writer has outright said it's inspired by it. The rest of what you're arguing with is OP's opinion of the game, not mine.
If I said i based my next book on WW2 but literally didn't align with any facts of WW2, does that mean it's based on WW2 or not?
You're out here literally saying you have no idea what is contained in the piece itself and just repeating horse shit. Please, for the love of God, shut the fuck up
Dude, if you want to convince people reading this, maybe explain why the comparison is incorrect instead of calling them "dumb" and telling them to "shut the fuck up".
I was only trying to add to the discussion by quoting in this thread the specific section where the writer said he was inspired by the conflict. You're the one who immediately got very hostile with me.