I'd be satisfied with any job in the tech industry but I'm also reaching for one that aligns with my political values as an anti-capitalist. With this in mind, does anyone have any suggestions for the job search?

  • TwilightLoki [he/him,any]
    5 years ago

    I don’t really know anything about DevOps. Are there certain personalities best suited for DevOps? I’m quite a social person

      • the_river_cass [she/her]
        5 years ago

        teaches organizing skills as well... you have to find what's wrong in sociotechnical systems, the contradictions at their heart, and work over long periods of time to resolve them. the most interesting and challenging problems are political (within the context of the org) in nature and seem completely intractable until you get some practice, but damn if you don't put Mao through his paces on the regular.

    • heqt1c [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Being social helps, a lot of DevOps is about communication, collaboration, sharing knowledge, and having frank and honest discussions between dev and ops teams.

      It also helps that it is very enjoyable work too, most of the time. You get exposure to a lot of tech and concepts.