Some questions I have:

  • Do people in China have to boil their water before drinking it? I've found sources dated as recent as 2012 saying this
  • If I were to move to China, what western media would I have to be prepared to not have access to anymore? Just as one example, could I still follow/listen to American & European rock/metal bands?
  • After several years doing jobs that I didn't like very much, I finally recently moved to a job in an area that I like a lot (renewable energy). How easy would it be for me to find similar work in China? Sometimes it seems like the only work Americans can find in China is as English teachers.
  • Why does China accept so few immigrants? (500-2000 per year, vs about 1,000,000/year accepted by the USA, and 600,000-2,000,000/yr accepted by Germany)
  • Regarding sex, dating & family, is China generally more liberal than the US, more conservative, or about the same?
  • Does housing work in China similarly to how it works in the US? How much of their income do Chinese people typically spend on rent/homeownership?