“Those shady orientals can’t do Marxism properly, like me, a free and independent thinker who would never fall for bourgeois propaganda.”
The only communist politician I support is one who is fully anhedonic and refuses to do anything that might be enjoyable even if it's a part of diplomacy in general.
he should have gone and pulled out a packed lunch his mum had made - Alice
no that's got a slight mispronunciation written in it should be:
"luv me mum, love me packed lunch, simple as. If you don't like it you can shove off"
Alice really needs to stop having posting brain. Like, it's bad for you, bad for your political analysis, and bad for your comedy. I find it leaking more and more into her podcasting content and it's not good folks.
Sometimes trashfuture bits will just be like "tech guys like cringey reddit things". Which might be true, but it's just trite at this point. Like we get it, reddit guys like uncool things and Podcaster like cool things, get new material.
Lol I swear half of their podcast is just them getting mad that cool hipster places are getting replaced by like a pub with an adult sized ball pit or whatever.
Well, there's that and "Hey guys did you know the Soviet Union did a bad sometimes?"
Their short story Patreon stuff is pretty good though, but at this point I mostly listen for Hussein and Riley (and a couple Milo bits).
Reminder that the Anglo brainstem is simply unable to comprehend Marxism, which is a mystical teaching from the East (the Continent). It's not Alice's fault.
Honestly, Alice has way more bad takes than good. Absolute brainworms all the way down with her, unfortunately. Basically everything she does is about casting herself in the ability to "occasionally pretend to be entirely correct about politics, for fun" in order to disguise the brainworms. Her power as a poster is ultimately also her demise.
TL;DR Twitter: not even once.
God you're so right. Using Soviet and GDR image and language regularly while having the shittest takes on any given issue
It's all about having the aesthetic of being based while not understanding the core concepts of what associates the aesthetic with its movement, why that movement was or is based, and why appropriating that movement without fundamental understanding of the subject matter is actually not based at all, it's kinda problematic.
A true communist would never eat 2 dollars of gold leaf on an over priced stake while a Turkish man makes hand gestures at you like a wizard, he should have bought gotten a prepackaged sandwich at the Tesco and ate it on a bus station bench.
Just googled the price of leaf gold: 100 leafs are around 60 bucks on amazon. Really ripping a hole into Das Kapital.
Honestly, didn't expect it to be that cheap
That's the price of the leafs. The big talentless grifter in that restaurant (Salt Bae - vids of his "cooking" are genuinely disgusting, see this example - that's butter he's pouring all over this abomination) sell each of those golden steak for about 1700€ (~2000 USD). Not that it's relevant here as the twitter thread explains.
Literally yes. He's a talentless hack of a restauranteur who can't actually even cook himself. The entire point is that it's a (poorly) curated experience only for wealthy people who want to go somewhere and say "Well, that was different!" rather than caring if it was actually a good experience. You can easily get better food just about anywhere for 1/20th the price.
This is just something "unique" that is also unattainable for the poor, making it exclusive. It's the same novelty as going to a "put chocolate on your hands so u can feel like a baby again" type r/wewantplates pretentious experience, but you also don't have to sit next to the middle class while you're there.
Yeah. And once you have a few million dollars there's literally nothing to spend all your money on except yachts and houses. Someone also pointed out that a 2k price tag keeps the riff raff and press out of the establishment, while still being chump change for rich people. You're paying 1960$ for privacy.
Ugh, now I feel sorry for the guy for eating that steak. It did look a little dry in the picture.
Gold leaf is so thin you can almost see through it. It's a vanishingly small amount of gold.
A true communist would have cleaned out the bar on the French dime, though.
Eating and drinking as many expensive treats as you can and making the French colonists pay for it is praxis.
2 dollars of gold leaf is so much gold leaf. You can get like a hundred six inch square sheets for ten bucks.
Pictured: why I don't listen to WTYP. Let's roll the dice and see which host will say or agree with some dumb shit about AES this time.
but also actually the USSR was worse so we had no choice. I was like damn, this man is barely not a chud.
lmao :yikes: I bet his trot dad owns him all the time and that's why he's this mad about it.
"You can either have a society that doesn't work, or you can have a society that does work but is evil like China."
Absolute extreme chauvinism is when you acknowledge that the non-western country is better, but then say it's worse anyway.
Ultimately it just feels like that old "Democracy is the worst system of government, except for all the other ones, har har" boomer realism we've all grown up in with a fresh coat of red paint slapped on top.
The guy who said that was a racist genocidal imperialist, too. :ukkk:
Yeah, I just skip on any "leftist" podcast people like this participate in. I get exposed to enough social-chauvinist and social-imperialist takes as-is, I don't need to make efforts to find more.
I just want to be clear that I think wringing science out of the Nazis then riddling them with bullets and leaving their frozen corpses for the crows is an extremely good idea.
This. I actually like WTYP. Trashfuture was a little confusing for me as an outsider to UK goings ons. I've listened to a few episodes of Lions Led by Donkeys and while there were critiques of the US military I remember feeling a lot of them were coming from a place of "these people are actually trying their best but either they're fuckups or the system isn't set up to allow them to succeed" and not "the US is an inherently evil country and it's military is deeply corrupt and incompetent." And then any mention of the USSR or China seemed to take an extremely bad faith position. But I can't remember now which episodes I listened to, maybe they aren't all that bad.
Regardless of whether I like a particular show or not, it's impossible to listen and not just think that the hosts are all such libs.
I personally really like Trueanon but I do think it has its flaws. For one thing, it’s first and foremost a conspiracy podcast, so you have to be conspiracy minded to really get into it. And I’m not convinced they vet their sources. The hosts are communists, I think, so they’ll often have good analyses of capitalism and also American culture. But they’re not investigators or journalists. Liz worked in media, I think, and Brace is an undercover CIA agent pretending to be a recovering addict turned YPG soldier turned manual laborer turned union organizer turned podcaster. But that’s the nature of any conspiracy stuff, but I always take things like the Spider Network or some of the crazier details around, say, JFK or 9/11 with a big helping of salt.
Also sometimes they’ll talk about stuff I just don’t give a shit about. Like celebrity gossip. Or an episode about a rapper/dealer from SF who went to Kansas City and got shot. I listen anyway because eventually they’ll include in their discussion critiques of capital and culture, but it can be a lot of minutia until they get there.
One of the things that still gives me a bit of whiplash on the left is the level of almost reflexive hostility you see towards non-western countries and peoples sometimes. Even a lot of the military people I've met don't go for the state department lines this hard, just getting to see the world seems to mellow some of them out.
I'm so confused. Someone ate at a restaurant and that means they're not a real communist? What?
There's an odd attitude among certain reactionaries that being a socialist means you have to take a lifelong vow of poverty and sometimes leftists also adopt this reasoning, then they work backwards from the premise that if a socialist is indulging in nice things then they aren't a leftist
it's complete nonsense and came from nowhere
It’s all projection by capitalists, who are 99.9% of the hogs at that restaurant every night.
it’s complete nonsense and came from nowhere
Communism is when everyone is poor
Capitalism is when a few powerful people get very nice things
If you are a leader in a Communist country, you are either living in squalid poverty like everyone else in your horrible backwards country. Or you are cheating the system you claim to endorse by enjoying nice things, like restaurants where people sprinkle salt on food.
This isn't from nowhere. It's straight from the Reagan Era of discourse. What Americans are going to struggle to understand is why more and more people in Communist countries are enjoying decadent western lifestyles, while more and more Americans are living in squalid hellscapes. Eventually, someone is going to figure this shit out and spread the word. But for now, we have to keep telling ourselves "Nice restaurants like Salt Bae are only for the Elites", as though food in Vietnam isn't universally recognized as fucking amazing anywhere you get it.
yeah it's got huge vibes of like "you're poor and yet you have a refrigerator checkmate"
Making the French buy you a fancy dinner is praxis, but only if you steal the silverware.
It wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket, that's like a portion of the monthly interest they owe at best.
Under communism we'll have a restaurant that sells reasonably priced gold steak, since the gold adds literally less than a penny to the cost of the meal.
I mean it’s a super bogie restaurant that does the gold leaf on food BS.
honestly so what
if the dude wants to eat gold what the hell does that have to do with communism
buying silly expensive things doesn't make you not a communist, its that simple. i also found the hasan house drama mindnumbingly dumb
Like Marx wouldn't eat a gold crusted steak if someone else was paying. Remember; Our glorious thought leader was a drunken unemployed layabout party boy.
But if he was actually buying it for himself I’d think it was kinda dumb, especially since you could get a better steak for cheaper without fancy tin toil on it.
Oh, it's definitely dumb, but I buy dumb things too.
It is especially dumb, though, considering you could buy the gold leaf yourself and put it on whatever you want for far cheaper. Gold leaf isn't very valuable (also why I'm not particularly bothered by it -- it's a negligible amount of gold, it's not like its that wasteful of anything but money)
I for one would hope that under communism all restaurant would serve 600$ gold steal, except it wouldn't cost 600$ and would be accessible to everyone...
This is straight up what Americans think the USSR was like
eh I'm a tankie at heart but some of the party did begin to get pretty lavish right before the end there. China had to put the squeeze on corrupt officials recently as well, it's an issue, though not an insurmountable one
You claim to be a member of the proletariat, and yet you live in the tropical paradise resort country of Vietnam.
Even if the Vietnamese government did pay for it, going to expensive dinners and schmoozing is just part of the job of a fucking diplomat.
Marx would consider that acts of the bourgeoisie & the Vietnamese people that still valued their communist roots may get offended by that. It's clear that he didn't value going to the grave and did it for a PR move, and that's not great of him to do. Nobody would judge him doing that any other day, just not on the day you do a PR stunt of visiting his grave.
lol acts of the bourgeoisie. what the hell does that mean? A public official from one of the handful of socialist nations spends time doing his job meeting with diplomats from a bourgeois nation and they end up doing bourgeois indulgences together, because that's a dominant aspect of modern international diplomacy. Where did this concept come from that communists are against doing anything that's expensive? The Vietnamese official didn't even pay for the steak.
"Nobody would judge him doing that any other day" Yeah except he's a communist public official from Vietnam, so if it wasn't this thing then it would be something else. Although Vietnam largely stays out of the crosshairs of this kind of attention, usually the talk is about like Maduro eating empanadas or Cuban officials driving fancy cars. When Upton Sinclair ran for governor of California, a lot of press attention was on the fact he owned three houses. Socialists are just supposed to be ascetics?
A gold leaf $1300 steak likely falls under the idea of conspicuous consumption, or consuming a good or services for the specific purpose of displaying ones wealth, status, or social class. Some may see this action as classist, against the classless society idea that marx advocated for.
I don't know the social responsibility of a communist in office. I think the media is sensationalizing it and I'm not defending them, I'm defending the idea that the people he represents may be justified in being upset about his behavior.
Paying respects to Marx then being served a literally gold plated lunch that cost 15% the yearly median wage is not at all hypocritical? But sure, if his constituents don't care then neither do I, and most of them don't care about communism anyway. This whole thing is just tabloid shit to get people angry.
$1300 is chump change for either nation. It's that the act had apparent symbolic meaning, it doesn't matter who paid for it or how the tip was split or who paid for the driver to get them there.
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