He also refers to the left as "Illiberal" and whines about "Equality of Opportunity" also known as "We're going to leave some of you to die while others prosper"
He also refers to the left as "Illiberal" and whines about "Equality of Opportunity" also known as "We're going to leave some of you to die while others prosper"
This is long-standing reactionary tactic - to make any claims about a group of people ignores "individuality". This allows them to avoid addressing any systemic issues or addressing actions and biases largely shared among certain groups.
Because it is. In 2021, we have massive differences in black & white wealth, incarceration rates, health, etc. Either you think slavery and it's effects are still pervasive in our society and need to be addressed, OR you think black folks are somehow fundamentally not capable of attaining wealth and are prone to violence and criminal activity. That's why I think libs like you are every bit as racist as chuds, Greg.
I'll say death to America all day, but I think the US is not ultimately irredeemable. No society is. It's simple, the US just needs to do good things like get people health care or really address racism. But you don't get credit for being "good" unless you do good things. It's like someone who wants to lose 100 pounds but then gets upset their friends aren't praising them for getting a diet Coke instead of a regular one one time. Even if I accept the US has done some good, we have sooooooo much more to do before I would consider us "good".
There's that line from the British dude who read the Declaration of Independence and dismissed it saying something like "it's ridiculous to talk about freedom while you're holding a whip over your slaves"
Found it
“If there be an object truly ridiculous in nature it is an American patriot signing resolutions of independency with the one hand and with the other brandishing a whip over his affrighted slaves.’’ - Thomas Day, of TERF Island
It's been clear from the start that the US was born of injustice and violence. It's everywhere in the historical record, and denying it is pure, odious ideology.
Yep, reactionaries today pretend "oh the founding fathers were just products of their times, slavery was normal then". But there was plenty of anti-slavery sentiment, we just don't talk about it. Hell, the French - not exactly enlightened folks w/r/t race - abolished slavery in Haiti within a few years of the US constitution being ratified.
I think the way the French abolished slavery in Haiti was literally the most destructive way you could possibly do it, short of actually genociding all your slaves.
Yeah true.