I got into a predicament today where a literally piss drunk homeless guy was threatening me and my crew on the street (I work in construction). We did nothing to elicit this.. anyway some passers by called the cops. The cops surprisingly did pretty good, in all honesty. They gave him a chance to walk away and leave us alone, but he came back 10 minutes later. They actually gave him a third chance but he said, “fuck you bitches, take me to jail.” And so, they did. It seems as though there was no reasoning with him. I tried to tell him that we weren’t going to call the cops but someone else will. and when they do, chances are he’d go to jail. But I can’t help feeling like if I had known some de-escalation techniques, and used them in the 15 minutes before the cops arrived… maybe he wouldn’t be in jail tonight. Who knows? Maybe he just really wanted to go to jail because it’s cold af out tonight. Idk but I’ve been homeless when it’s cold and jail still never sounded better than being cold. It’s not freeze to death temps where I’m at. Just like, uncomfortable unless you’ve got good gear cold. Either way, link me some literature or something.

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    maybe he got thrown into city jail? Depending on where you are at city jail is basically a time out corner for adults.....probably much better than being outside in the cold tbh

  • toledosequel [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Tbh a lot of the time there's no rhyme or reason to what they do. I remember this homeless / crackhead guy forcing the train doors to stay open for a literal pigeon and yelling at me for a good 30 seconds when it didn't come then abruptly stopping and mimicking an old lady as she read some shit.