It’s unquestionably an amazing and cathartic activity.
can't skip rocks anymore, lakes all filled with skipping rocks :I
Think of the jobs, people! So many are going to have to get scuba certified to collect rocks out of the lake to keep this operation running!
that guy in high school would have realized that he loved me and we would live happily ever after
Suspension bridge effect is for losers. Tell all my crushes to go skip rocks
It's frustrating if you don't know how to do it, so I would have a lot of frustrating moments moving forward.
When you get good enough to skip all the way over to the other side of a river that's a really good feel.
We might be able to push some capitalists into the ocean. Won't fix the system, but will make me feel good.
If everybody skipped rocks at the Bohai sea, China would grow larger