I know, right?
I quoted that part and said, "Oh. I didn't know y'all were cops."
I genuinely envy the big dick energy to walk into a room and just start declaring a manifesto for everyone around me at once.
I feel like Lenin would have wrote an entire book dunking on that guy and that thought makes me happy.
Ive got a copy of Blackshirts and Reds waiting for me, p sure my partner got it for me for the holidays. Super stoked to read it.
It's so good. It's also kind of enraging, so I've had to put it down several times. I just picked it up again over the weekend, and I'm about 3/4 done now.
By taking your happy self and determining where you choose to work or not work, as a private person, and the state isn't forcing you, means that you by definition are being a capitalist.
He said this too. LOL
finally, the ancap libertarian fast food wage workers can call themselves a capitalist
when you are alive and do things, that's capitalism
Every day I feel like Reddit can't possibly get dumber and then
Using more than one website isn't brigading, and it's so obvious that that is the case that the only reason to pretend otherwise is as an excuse to do what you were gonna do either way. So I don't think it matters if they know this site exists or not, if they want to ban people for posting leftist stuff they will.
Some of the mods already know of our existence and are cool with us
I don't even know how to parse his upside down take of the Manifesto where wages are exploiting the bosses and collective property is no property.
If I cannot take away others' treats and hoard them for myself, am I free? If I cannot enclose the commons for my own gain, is there property at all? :thonk:
I think it's Sovereign Citizen stuff mixed with a healthy dose of "independent contractor" experience/propaganda.
The way the gig economy is organized is to turn every person into a corporation (after turning all corporations into people with Citizens United). The whole idea is to muddy the waters between personal and private property as when all personal property is used to generate wages, it becomes something subject to capitalist expropriation.
Libertarians "commies want to take away our toothbrushes and only the capitalists should be able to do that!"
We are not taking from or exploiting our fellow workers, we are going to take our dues from the profits of people who can't reasonably use that much their lifetime.
I wonder what this dingus thinks about exploiting labor outside of countries like the US.
... Or do I?