KobaCumTribute [she/her]

  • 87 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2020

  • A big part of how indentured servitude was replaced with chattel slavery involved things like land being provided to white former indentured servants as part of establishing a larger white property-owning class to entrench the new system of racialized slavery, so in practical terms many of the Irish indentured servants in the Americas got their reparations centuries ago.

    In contrast former slaves were suppressed, subject to hyper-exploitation from new systems that aimed to recreate chattel slavery as much as possible, and terrorized with both legal and illegal violence from state and paramilitary actors, and these things have been ongoing to one extent or another for over 150 years now.

    Both of those different approaches were used to reinforce the concept of whiteness and establish the cult of white supremacy as hegemonic in the US and globally. Sort of like the practice of emancipating and adopting the most loyal and skilled slaves even as arbitrary and indiscriminate terror was applied to slaves as a class in antiquity but scaled up to an almost industrial level, making the most conformist white workers into yeoman farmers whose material interests suddenly align more with other property owners while at the same time applying arbitrary and indiscriminate terror to black slaves and former slaves. Thus workers get divided, cronies get empowered, and hyper-exploitation is enabled through violence and systemic exclusion and othering.

    Ireland on the other hand should get reparations from the UK because of the centuries of violence and extraction the UK has imposed upon it. But that's distinct from indentured servitude in the Americas.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    20 days ago

    *tinny midi jingle begins playing* "In hard times like this..." *slideshow of pictures harvested off social media of likely family members of employee begins playing* "It's important to remember all the people who are relying on your employment, and how failure to meet your quota could affect them." *midi jingle continues playing on repeat for several minutes as part of a pavlovian training of the employee* "Your mood control break has now concluded and in compensation to your employer for this unscheduled break ten more call resolutions have been added to your target quota."

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]togamesGamers: wtf i love China now
    21 days ago

    Fascist propagandists on the payroll of the Kochs and Mercers told libertine gamers that women and minorities were coming for their precious fun time treats and were going to make them less tasty, which caused their waveforms to spontaneously collapse into fascism with 4chan characteristics.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouseHell world
    21 days ago

    There's IPadapter for SD models which only requires a single photo at runtime, though I don't know exactly how strong its adherence is. There's also training a LORA which would only require a few images and take maybe a day at the most, which would be an easy investment of time and resources for someone who wants to churn out tons of images with that one face on them. And of course there's the simplest method of all: just crudely pasting the desired face into the image and then sending it for a low denoise img2img pass to make the inscrutable machine integrate it into the image better.

    That level of extremely basic and rudimentary technical knowledge is probably beyond the influencers themselves, but certainly not beyond whatever flunky they pay to maintain their brand like that, at which point it's probably self-preservation and not wanting to create an automated process that can replace themselves that stops them from using that approach.

  • Imagining a cold, calculating general trying to explain this strategy to a state department ghoul who's wearing branded merch from every arms dealer in the country and who keeps miming rubbing dollar bills together and grinning and interrupting to say "this guy knows what I'm talking about" and elbowing the similarly dressed CIA ghoul next to him.

  • I swear if they manage to make Kano calling up Mahiru in the middle of the night "just to hear her voice" and breaking down sobbing reminiscing about the time she kissed her after they had a pointless fight not gay I'm going to scream.

    Which is an unhealthy level of emotional investment in a cartoon, hence the existing in a superimposed state of foolishly getting my hopes up and cynically not getting my hopes up.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    21 days ago

    Reminds me of the texan suburbanites who threw a fit about how they "cOuLd HaVe DiEd" when their houses' smart thermostats adjusted from 65 to 68. Anyone and any place that expects the temperature to be kept at frigid "you need a warm blanket and you'll still be cold" temperatures is deeply unserious.

  • Damn I almost called that out in my post after episode 7 telling people to watch Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night, because Kiui so clearly had top dysphoria in the scenes at the motorcycle school, but I genuinely didn't expect the show to follow through with that like it did so I second guessed myself and cut it before posting.

    Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night has been consistently so good overall and I hate that I keep feeling the need to temper expectations that it will keep being good.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    And I've already explained that "twenty degrees below body temperature" is cool, and "but what if there are also a ton of extra, additional things on top of that like open flames and parkas and heavy exercise and no water and still air and also it's underwater and also the water is boiling and and and and..." doesn't change that, because those are additional, other things that are bad in and of themselves and would be a problem if it were 30 degrees below body temperature or 40 degrees below body temperature.

    There is absolutely no case in which a temperature below 80F can be considered hot, and "it doesn't do enough on its own to mitigate these other extra, additional environmental hazards that are unrelated to it" doesn't change that.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    79F isn't even "you need to mitigate this" weather. It's cold, and only if you do things that would be dangerous at even colder temperatures does it hypothetically become a problem. You can give yourself heatstroke while standing knee deep in snow if you try hard enough, that doesn't mean freezing temperatures are dangerously high.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    "If you're wearing a parka, and doing heavy exercise in the sun, and not drinking water, and also you have other health problems too, then this otherwise cool and pleasant temperature would become a problem" isn't a very sound argument. Like yes, if you're actively overheating yourself and also dehydrated and also overdressed and also you don't do anything at all to mitigate these things you're actively doing then you're in for a bad time, but you can also mitigate this by not doing that, by drinking enough water, and by having an electric fan. You should never just passively have trouble with a temperature that's 20 degrees below body temperature, that's colder than an air conditioned space should be. Like here the temperature outside actually is 88F, it's passively 85F inside, and after running the AC for a while I stopped it at 82F because it was getting chilly.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    The weirdly low dangerous wetbulb temperatures are actually arrived at with extremely low humidity and a very high dry bulb temperature. As long as the dry bulb temperature is below body temperature you can still passively cool especially with moving air, although obviously it gets much worse the closer both numbers get to body temperature. A dry bulb that's 20 degrees below body temperature will always be cool regardless of how efficient sweating given the humidity.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    I had broken AC for a month in the US South once, wouldn't wish it on anyone

    I had a broken AC for 17 years in the US South. You adapt to it over time - I used to be extremely cold tolerant and prefer cold weather, like "go outside barefoot in shorts and a t-shirt with 3 feet of snow on the ground" tolerant, and now my extremities go numb if the temperature dips below 70 but I only hit the "this is getting too warm" point around 90 and it's not too bad until it gets close to body temperature.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    Like they dont have AC anywhere.

    26C/79F is pleasantly cool weather. It's 30C/86F and humid in the room I'm sitting in right now, probably warmer outside, and this is still pleasantly warm though starting to edge a bit close to the point where it becomes uncomfortably warm.

    Like 26C/79F is "this is the result of the AC running until it's starting to get chilly and gets turned off" temperature.

  • The manga is good up until about volume 10 or so after which point it nosedives hard in a way that retroactively ruins a lot of the cool dungeon ecology stuff from the earlier parts. The anime, or at least what I've seen of it so far, is a faithful 1:1 adaptation of the manga - it's impressive in that it's a good adaptation, but kind of disappointing in quality compared to Studio Trigger's own original series like Kill la Kill, BNA, or Edgerunners.