What separates it from being friendship + sexual attraction? I have friends who I'll fool around with but wouldn't say I'm romantically involved with, but recently I realized I don't even know what that is beyond those two things lmao

Asking here instead of Reddit because I don't want R*dditors to respond

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think "friendship + sexual attraction" is correct. I don't think "sexual attraction" is very complex it's pretty much binary: you're attracted to someone physically or you're not.

    It's the friendship part that is going to change for you I think. At least that's been my experience. I've had very close friends but no one on the level of my wife. We've been married about 6 years and the trust and comfort that we've built is immeasurable. By growing together with someone you don't lose your independence but something certainly grows within you. That's what I know to be romantic love.