:amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka:

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I'd say it will look similar but instead of selling off assets internationally the US will implode by cannibalizing itself trying to contain China's economic influence, much like the Soviet Union couldn't maintain an arms race with the US we can't maintain an economic race with China, we already sold off all our production and all we have left is a financial capital bubble backed by a huge military budget and nukes.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        3 years ago

        I look at it like this. We are still living in the tail end afterglow of the movement that peaked in the 30's and 40's and was finally crushed in the 70's. Everything since the volker shock and stagflation has been prewar capital reasserting itself over the social democracy that the liberals had been driving. I see three outcomes here on out.

        The first is the continued trend we have seen of capitalism reasserts itself only in a new more explicit form as capitalism enters into a fascist phase of accumulation through direct dispossession and proletarianization. In this situation the US re-industrializes as it recreates a domestic industrial working class and enters into a genuine imperial war mode. There are lots of aspects to this but tldr, capital successfully rises to meet the challenge of China and we all die of climate change.

        The second is a complete collapse of the US as nativist and fascist elements clash with the remnants of the old order. The US system and empire falls apart under pressure, both explicit and implicit, from the rise of China. The US basically falls to a second tier state, sort of how the Europeans stand to the US now. In this scenario the real longterm outcome depends on China and their own internal class struggle. If the socialist elements win we might see a better future where climate change is averted and a better future for humanity is possible. If the capitalist elements win, well "you know the thing" as a wise man once said.

        The third is a domestic resurgence of genuine working class energy and a drive toward socialism. I have no idea what this would look like, as it seems to unlikely based on history, but we are seeing a dramatic rise in labor militancy and socialist action. This would be the best of all possible worlds, but also is the one that requires the most work from us.

        Mostly I just saw these posts and felt the need to mind vomit.