It's basically the new /r/GenZedong.

They should've done this way before this became a problem.

I'd like Nakoichi's thoughts on this as well.

  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
    8 months ago

    Nope, it was "misinformation" when the SMO started. There was a lot of Z-posting stuff (that in retrospect was a bit over the top) and a lot of sources shared that directly contradicted the Western view of the SMO.

    • voight [he/him, any]
      8 months ago

      Nobody else wanted to stray outside the libertarian-esque muh tax dollars argument, but they still got all affronted at ANSWER coalition type antiwar ppl in washington using the same anemic criticism. Same shit Zizek did during Iraq like "hey cmon i'm as left as a guy can be but are you really stanning saddam hussein lol??" totally unaware of the actual arguments until years later, when they will still be smug.

      Whatever, not like it matters. Ukraine won the mind war. Solidnet stood with the working class of Ukraine against the little green men who snuck into Donbas. Everyone made their difference.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Nah in retrospect it was exactly correct and the hedging both siders have been completely discredited

      • diegeticscream[all]🔻
        8 months ago

        I don't mean both siders, I mean that some of the memes (some of which I contributed) could've shown a little more nuance in how they expressed support for the SMO (e.g. "Russia is correct in doing what they have to do after trying every other option" versus "Russia can do no wrong and deserves full support in everything").

        Idk if I'm making much sense. There's a patsoc/aesthetic focused element that I think should have been avoided.

        Feel free to ignore me if that seems incoherent, I'm not trying make an argument, just explain what I meant.

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Also remember at the time, the official stance of the entire western left was “Russia isn’t going to invade, this is played up media hysteria”. When that view was proven wrong, many over corrected to the official US state department view or nihilistic both sidesism because their view of the situation was very shallow, they didn’t know anything about Donbas or Crimea or the Maidan. This is true even on /r/genzedong, where most were caught off guard and a majority started making mealy mouth denunciations of Russia instead of critically supporting them. It was a vocal minority that pushed back against the chauvinist impulse and made the case that Russia is acting in an anti-imperialist and anti-fascist way in this situation.

          Nobody was listening to the minority of non-Russophobic communists and anti-imperialists saying Russia may likely invade as it has X, Y and Z legitimate concerns leading up to the war. Those people were called pro-Putin stooges, little green men, russiabots, pat socs, etc. even though they were correct. It was only after the western left's shallow worldview of big bad (yet impotent) Putinist Russia was popped that they seriously began to take the views of these anti-imperialists seriously and began to consider to the Russian perspective, or consider hearing what Russians have to say without instant dismissal.

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Russia can do no wrong and deserves full support in everything

          I was there and I didn't see any of this. I saw critical support stated unflinchingly, which enraged radlibs and they framed it as russia worship & I saw both sides ultra shit. The two argued a lot right before the ban. That's it. The radlibs saw what they wanted to see. Those same people would have been appalled at the news mega.

          • diegeticscream[all]🔻
            8 months ago

            Idk, man. Maybe I just don't remember it clearly, that's what it felt like to me.

            To be clear, I don't feel like it was a major element, and I still think the quarantine was bullshit.

            • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
              8 months ago

              Z posting is fine by the way, just like Hamas posting is. Memes and support often are taken out of context and taken way too literally by Pearl clutchers in the opposition. A shitposting anti-imperialist meme subreddit is going to have Z posts. I’m tired of leftists treating Russians like lepers they must hold their nose at, most of that comes from Russophobia from the Cold War, Red Scares and Russiagate. Most of their criticisms are ill informed imperialist intrigue or the reasons why we are critically supporting them instead of uncritically, and is already implicitly understood by the anti-imperialists.