• bananafungus@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Well after all this time, I have caught covid. I'm sooooo fkn sick it's insane, if my teeth aren't chattering with the fever I'm just crying.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    LAWD I am exhausted. Was stupidly up til 5 am reading Wool because I couldn't put it down... All I ate yesterday was a bowl of oatmeal and a packet of chips...

    Despite that, I got up at 9:30 and got the hardest bits of my gardening done before the rains hit - hauled 45 L of fresh potting mix into planters, rejuvenated another 10L, planted out some seedlings and seeds, and shifted most things around. Started raining when I'd finished the last of the repotting... but I got it all fucking done!!!

    Course while I was out there getting damp I decided it was a good enough time as any wash off dirt from the balcony with some hot water AND clean all the balcony windows inside and out (not cleaned since I moved in over 3 years ago)

    I think I'm pretty happy with my efforts

    *removed externally hosted image*

    I've also pulled out the flyscreen and vacuumed it and am contemplating washing it in the shower... But I decided to call a time out, made fancy instant noodles, and now that I'm sat on the couch, all the squatting and lifting and reaching is finally getting to me. And my jaw has been clenched to the max for the last 4 hours... Fly screen can be washed tomorrow.

    bon appetit!!!!

    *removed externally hosted image*

    • wscholermann@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Windows are gleaming!

      Good tip for the flyscreen: take them to the car wash and hose them down with the high pressure water hoses.

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Thank you! I can't wait for the copper tape to come so I can snail proof my babies; especially the flower seeds I've sown. I sowed some cool chocolate coloured nasturtiums and really want to give them the best chance

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        definitely the kind of day I'm grateful for my bougie laksa instant noodles, I don't think I'll be needing dinner

    • indisin@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Wool is a fantastic read so completely understandable, are you reading the whole trilogy?

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      That’s an impressive array of potting and plants.

      Also that bowl of noodles, yummy!

      Sounds like you had quite the productive day even though the weather sucked big time.

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Something I like about gardening is that it forces you to pay attention to and act according to the weather/seasons. It is a salve for people like me often stuck in their head... I knew I had to get this shit done before it rained for very real and practical purposes rather than the threat of shame/punishment, so off I went.

        No way I was going out today anyhoo!

  • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    I managed to reset the kitchen and living room and chuck clothes in washing machine for when I have a full load. I slept on and off all day and I have had an upset stomach - I think I must be a bit sick so the rest day was frustrating but needed. Rice+egg+soy for dinner then make a list for the week. Then bed

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      That's more than enough to feel like you've done something for the day - hope future you will wake up in slightly better spirits thanks to past/current you. Rest well, sounds like you needed it indeed

  • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    I struggled to get up this morning and now Marge is gonna start before I have a chance to get out and do my shopping and other chores.

    lil mental health rant because I need to work through it.

    My brain sucks somedays. I don't know if it's exhaustion -> depression (so if I rest enough I will eventually get back on top) or the other way around (so maybe I need to push myself to move).

    Either way there's dishes in the sink from 2days ago because I haven't had the executive functioning to unpack the dishwasher and my brain is currently white noise or very unhelpful bad black thoughts or is hyper focused on something that it unrelated to anything helpful). I did manage some yoga/breathing this morning which helps.

    I have a good doctor and am trying to suss out what's happening this time round (this is not my first black dog rodeo) but I hate this phase. I look through some of the ADHD stuff on YouTube (don't have it but there's some crossover with depression) and it's helpful but everything related to depression is either explaining what it is or a variant on " how to beat your depression" - dude I just need to get some strategies so I can keep rolling while it sorts itself out.

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      9 months ago

      I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling.

      Something I found helpful was just giving myself permission to do an incomplete job of chores if the whole thing felt overwhelming. Emptying the dishwasher might feel too much, but you might but able to put away a couple of things for now and come back to the rest later. Or you might be able to move the dishes to next to the sink so you have space later to wash the individual items you need to use. Sometimes with laundry I would wash just a single set of clothing because a whole load seemed too much and it would end up sitting in the machine going mouldy. It might not be ideal, but it helps to keep things somewhat manageable.

      The other thing I did when I was focused on doing something else was to use breaks in that activity as a trigger to do something else - it might be a chapter in a book, a level in a game etc., and each time I reached that I would get up and do one thing (like emptying that couple of items from the dishwasher). So there would be regular points through the day where I would get something acomplished. Never enough to seriously interrupt what I was doing, but enough that I was actually doing something.

      • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Thanks. That's good advice. Although I just tried that trick with the book chapter and fell asleep halfway through the chapter. I am sure that physical burnout is beneath this one. But I will keep these ideas in mind. Appreciate it.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      When I was in the worst of my depression I would give myself absolutely must do daily tasks, no excuses.

      And I had until midnight to do them.

      I did not care if I did "morning" tasks at night or night tasks at midday as long as they were done.

      • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Thanksnfor the reminder. Yeah. I will reset the kitchen and get my dirty clothes into the washing machine today. Everything else can wait

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    I hate wasting the day away but sometimes it can't be helped. There's two days in a month where I don't want to talk and I don't want to do anything.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Cleaned out the birdbath and now covered in bird shit/slime. Turns out using a gerni for the job required a bit more finesse.

    It's looking fresh though you're welcome little birdos I gotchu, but after a few 100m years of evolution pls don't poo in it other birds use it too.

    • bacon@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Mine is a tiny little pet dish on the floor just enough for one bird at a time. No poop there so far and they nicely queue for it. The birds make a clanging sound with it if it gets empty. My customers are mostly black birds and spotted doves.

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Morning has been productive - topped up the car (cheap place isn't open Sunday) and swapped the gas cylinder for the Soda Stream as it ran out last night just at the hottest point. Then tackled more of the stuff in the garage, which was mostly papers - only stopped because the yellow bin was getting chockers, also Marge.
    In other news, took the cats to the vet Friday and she suggested that Zooks may be allergic to her food due to various symptoms. She's currently only sampling anything else I give her, even chicken, whereas Sammi is at least having some. Cats...
    In other other news, did my first house viewing of the year and may have already found the right place at a very good price - ironically not the place I went to look at but a unit on the same block. I'll check out the listings and if anything else grabs me I'll organise an inspection, but it's very likely this is the one as it ticks just about all the boxes. Cross fingers!

    • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I actually turned the aircon on in the middle of the night which I never do (I am usually the person under a doona in all circumstances)

  • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Haven't heard back from the hinge person after inviting her to the tennis (been over 30 hours but who's counting)😩 maybe she got bored or maybe just a busy weekend (copium). Whatever.

    • Catfish@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Over investment in internet people before meeting isn’t good for the brain. Says she who purchased a fictitious numbat for strangers, but is also approaching 10 anniversary with Boyo from OKC. Enthusiasm can’t be scheduled. 🧀

      • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        What's > 0? She's been replying like once every 12-15 hrs anyway. I'll probably give up if I don't hear back tonight. 💁‍♂️

        Is it worth texting one more time or just let it be?

        • wscholermann@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          "> 0" means greater than 0. Meaning if she was interested she would have replied with at least something.

          As for the previous frequency, this only proves my point even more. Now that you are trying to make this "real" it's radio silence.

          Personally I would do nothing. You've put the ball in her court and she's not returning the serve it seems (yes I made a tennis pun).

          I personally wouldn't text her if it was me at this point. It's not worth your dignity.

        • Pilk@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Don't give up after one message. Especially since you had obvious rapport.... she wasn't talking to you for no reason.

          Be prepared for it to be a sign she's not interest. But there's no reason to jump to conclusions yet.

  • tone212_@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    News showed footage of that random stabber creeping behind an unsuspecting person on a busy street and bending down to attack their leg. Holy shit. So scary.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    I have switched the aircon to dehumidify mode. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best day to steam mop the kitchen. However I was inspired to move the fridge out of it's alcove in search of some missing fridge magnets, and while it was moved it seemed a good idea to do a thorough clean. I did clean out a lot of fluff and a few unidentifiable objects that were presumably once food, but there were no fridge magnets. After thoroughly cleaning the kitchen floor and having a bit of a think about it I did eventually locate the magnets, in the cupboard above the fridge. I've obviously managed to knock them off the fridge while I was putting things in the cupboard and knocked them in there.