rage-cry I whined about cracker being a slur and those mean ol Hexbears just called me a cracker more instead of debating merage-cry


  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    (unless thought experiments are bourgeois decadence, if so I will show myself out...)

    No, but they can very rapidly fall into idealist question-begging, though it is worth noting that the prompt you are giving this comparison to is not clear enough to be a useful thought experiment even by liberal standards. It is just a hazy hypothetical.

    • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
      1 year ago

      i think i really hurt myself in confusion in this thread; i can barely piece together what i was saying or what i meant.

      i'll leave the utopian/idealist thought experiments à la roko's basilisk & what's really real to the folks on effectivr altrusim forums...