Like, there were no reports about the suspect having a gun, the pig says "let me take point with the rifle", as if a normal handgun somehow wouldn't be enough. Then he just starts shooting IMMEDIATELLY when he sees the guy, doesn't confirm that it is indeed the suspect. The pig shoots him multiple times, then the pigs starts screaming at the dying man to "turn around". The guy they shot could be acting in self-defense, we don't know. The pig just wanted to shoot someone, he couldn't shoot the person already on the ground and bleeding, so he shot the first person he saw standing.

  • ExceedsTheCharacterL [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    The guy they shot was most definitely not acting in self defense, he was definitely assaulting people for no reason. He wasn’t near anyone when he was shot though, they didn’t yell freeze, and he had no gun or knife. I’m not sure how they confirmed he was the assailant, could have just been a lucky guess

    • CommCat [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      the guy was taking full swings with his bike lock on some poor woman's face, her face was all bloodied up, and there was a trail of blood and the victim was crawling away from the guy. You can blame the cops for being trigger happy, but the guy was not innocent in the slightest. Watching the PR video released by the LAPD, they included one call from a witness that described the assailant as having a gun and shooting, but the majority of calls said he was only using a bike lock, even the cops at the scene said he only had a bike lock.

      • ExceedsTheCharacterL [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Would the girl still be alive if that one dipshit didn’t say he had a gun? Doubt it, the cop came eager to shoot with that AR. Went right in front of everyone