CommCat [none/use name]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • Dissent Magazine, I only checked them out once, the main article on their front page was about the fall of the Eastern bloc. Wasn't familiar with the author, so I googled her name. The first hit was to her profile on the NED page lol. Never gonna check Dissent Magazine again, they are what some term the "Compatible Left". Either directly funded by CIA, or serves the purpose of the US State Department.

  • My guess is that she is still surrounded by the same people that started her foray into the public eye. They are a bunch of euro socdems that are good on some issues but horrible on most, especially when it comes to countries that are enemies of the USA/West (Russia, China, DPRK, Iran etc...) Until I see her appear with someone like Prashad, I'm not gonna see her as some serious political figure.

  • Moore's documentaries definitely helped a lot of people move left, and he's on the right side of history for the most part, but he's one of those socdems, who no matter how many times the Dems disappoints, he just won't break with them. I think it was his movie about the US healthcare, there was a segment on Obama, and he presented Obama as some World changer. I remember watching some of his interviews when he was out promoting that movie, and he said if Obama disappointed, he would be done with the Dems, but alas here we are and he's still shilling for the Dems.