And why the fuck do I need to manage my ebooks on 3 separate devices, and using 2 different apps on my computer?

Fuck Kindle. I should have at least went with Kobo.

Fuck this unhinged consumerism bullshit in general. I just wanna steal my books and read them at my leisure, but have to find shit ass work arounds for DRM for fucking words. DRM FOR WORDS!!!

Burn this whole fucking piece of shit to the ground. Death to Amerikkka.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    9 months ago

    I fucking hate how every company spams you with HOW DID YOU LIKE YOUR PURCHASE PLEASE RATE IT

    I'm not doing free labor for you, you fucking assholes, you want a review fucking PAY ME

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Man no shit. Like dear developer, I installed your app like 2.34876234 seconds ago, can you fucking chill? This is part of what spurred this rant actually, as I was testing a workaround to get a book loaded, Kindle was like "Hey buddy, I can see the blood vessels bulging in your forehead, and I know the world is a bit fucky for the poors like you, but I was hoping you could rate our wittle itty bitty appiepoo. That would be lit fam."

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Sidenote but if you are having DRM issues with epubs and kindle, literally just convert to mobi, then back to epub and it works. It also shrinks the file. Last one I did went from 3.5MB down to 500 KB. Spend all that time, money, and resources on DRM and it can get stripped by changing the file type in Calibre.

      Death to copywrite. Information should be free.

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    You have a Kindle? My condolences comrade, blows me away that people pay for devices that are meany to have ADS on them. The DRM scheme is atrocious. I bought a Kobo Glo for $20 at a thrift store kel-bliss

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      It's it's the stupidest reason too.

      I used yee ole sunk cost falacy because I already had a couple dozen books from Amazon in my kindle account.

      And then learned about Library Genesis. Which I use for everything I want to read. Like Kobo was built for this. And it costs the same as a Kindle for a slightly larger screen. 💀💀

  • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
    9 months ago

    You for sure should have gotten a Kobo. Getting you own books on a Kindle is hell. With my Kobo I just download what I want for free, plug it in and drag and drop.

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Yeah I think if I ever end up employed again, I'm gonna look at getting one and move my library over to it and try and pirate what books I had purchased through Kindle that aren't in my Calibre collection so I can still have my complete library.

  • glans [it/its]
    9 months ago

    I do not know the details of whatall you are needing to do.

    Have you tried


    • mobile read forums
    • DeDRM <-- works for "borrowed" books last time I tried but is environment-dependent

    All of the above represent projects, learning curves, work etc. But you are getting somewhere with all your work at the end of the day.

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      I actually stumbled upon DeDRM after trying to figure out why some epubs won't send. I tried it out but am confuesd on if I need my serial number if I am not sending directly via USB, but am using sendtokindle. I was gonna work more on that but the epub/mobi/epub trick worked for 2 books so far so I can deal with that for now.

      Gonna read through this thread later tho. I had just assumed that sendtokindle wasn't using asw3 anymore so never considered sideloading would work. Thanks for the share. :)

      • glans [it/its]
        9 months ago

        the people on that forum are deeply serious.

        make sure you are using the most up to date DeDRM repo. the one I linked isn't the original most people link to, it's newer. But IIRC you need to go into the original to get some of the instructions. there might even be something newer available. you will likely find it in the fourm if so

        it is more of a curve that it needs to be but at least you are making progress not wasting your time because you can then keep/share everything you salvage

        • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          I grabbed the 10.x fork that the new dev took over.

          I'll for sure try and look into getting it up and running. I have it installed but need to figure out if I need my serial and how to find it.

          • glans [it/its]
            9 months ago

            good luck!

            i wish i could offer help but it's been a while.

            if you are so inclined, take notes and make a tutorial :D

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      I have Neo Store installed which is just a flashier frontend for FDroid but I always end up defaulting to Play Store out of habit. I yearn for the day that I can finally rid myself of Google's enshittification for good but first we need a real viable FOSS phone option in the States.