A major Chinese city near Beijing has begun mass testing of its 14 million residents after a cluster of 20 children and adults tested positive for COVID-19, including at least two with the omicron variant
Hopefully their zero COVID 19 strategy can hold out, Omicron just spreads so fast. But if anyone can do it, it's China.
when all the huge protests were happening in the US all the evidence was showing they were not super spreaders. it just doesnt spread easily outside with everyone walking around wearing masks. quickly testing the population to cut off the spread is virtually the only way to go about it. they're aiming to test the entire population of 14M in 2 days.
when all the huge protests were happening in the US all the evidence was showing they were not super spreaders. it just doesnt spread easily outside with everyone walking around wearing masks. quickly testing the population to cut off the spread is virtually the only way to go about it. they're aiming to test the entire population of 14M in 2 days.