You know what's not good? Racism, xenophobia, closing borders to refugees fleeing war torn and politically unstable regions. But on the flip side the spread of covid-19 can be directly attributed to global trade and travel, our energy consumption that is killing the planet is made worse by all those long distance flights, drives, and even trainrides (gasp, speaking ill of the sacred locomotor) that simply not doing would be the environmental answer. The fact is there should be no global trade, or travel, or any major movements of people beyond maybe a few hundred miles from where they're born unless there's a catastrophe or necessity warranting such a mass movement of people or good.

Industry should be localized, there should be no hubs for specialized industry, with instantaneous communication the knowledge can be shared around the globe, specialists who have skills that no one else has or goods that no one else can manufacture should still travel around the world but we must reduce that. We need to determine what is essential and what isn't, we shouldn't send container ships to America and send them back empty, we shouldn't view any particular part of the world as a workshop, we should be extracting the raw resources we need equitably and sustainably as possible. All of this is going to require some system of borders that enforce equality, not hamper it.

I envision a global government, ran by the ideas of Marx, it has full control of the economy, nothing challenges its power. Wouldn't it make sense for this government to divide the world into districts around population centers, take into account cultural, geographic, and practical boundaries. Wouldn't people need some kind of ID, wouldn't this ID be used to enforce some kind of travel restrictions in the case of a pandemic or emergency, but why stop there? Who should be flying, how many flights should people be taking in their lifetime, who actually as a reason to fly, why does someone have a right to relocate across the world when they don't need to.

And let's talk about race, and culture, and all the things traditional defenders of borders use to justify their bigotry. Shouldn't we try to mix ethnicities so that there's no dominant group anywhere? Make the whole world the same shade of brown. You want to talk about who has a right to use environmentally damaging travel it's climate change migrants, it's non-whites, it's the foreigners. Ireland and Japan should have people who look the same in the future, everywhere should have mixed races. We should also encourage a single global language to ease communication.

These borders shouldn't be definite either, they should be guidelines more than anything, like you shouldn't travel a certain distance from your home so someone the next town over can go a bit farther east than you but you can go further west. We should end supercommuters, public transportation should only go so far, we should support forceful relocation of people in climate change prone areas, we should view travel as more of a privilege than a right. I like trains as much as the next soylent drinking socialist but instead of digging tunnels and making elevated platforms for them in cities, why not ban cars and make people walk? The solution sometimes is to just have less infrastructure.

  • watchingpornwithdad [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think the great communist cabal should get together and sinisterly draw out borders from the biggest city metro areas from the world and try to make them self efficient, nothing goes in nothing goes out except what's necessary. Try to combine everything from agriculture, water rights, power, transportation networks, education, etc into one map, one border, for everywhere on earth. Spooky right, how dastardly evil!

    • RNAi [he/him]
      3 years ago

      You should really drop the concept of border, mate. Unless you just wanted to post bait