It is true that pit bulls make up a hugely disproportionate number of reported dog attacks, it's also true that they are especially dangerous and have caused the most deaths by dog bite.

What many of these statistics fail to account for are environmental factors (pit bulls tend to be the most abused and most regularly abandoned dogs because of dog fighting and also because they are just a handful to properly train and care for.), it is also very difficult to gather accurate data on breed specific attacks/aggression because while pit bulls are the highest reported in most dog bite statistics, they are also not a breed as much as a group of breeds that includes:

The American Pit Bull Terrier
The American Staffordshire Terrier
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and
The American Bully

A study found that dogs classified as Pit Bulls only had 43.5% DNA from Pit Bull-type ancestry.

The study, carried out in two shelters in California and Arizona, also found that 62% of dogs labeled as Pit Bulls had less than a 50% DNA concentration from Pit Bull-type ancestry, Pit Bull facts and statistics show.

Identifying the right breed of dog in attacks and death is incredibly difficult. This is why the CDC stopped collecting breed-specific data in dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) in 1998.

The fact that there’s no official data to go by makes it even harder to separate myths from facts regarding Pit Bull attacks in the US.

Okay cool, so pits might make headlines more because of their strength and ability to inflict fatal wounds easier than other breeds but that goes for most large dogs.

German Shepherds had a similar stigma back when Americans were still xenophobic toward German immigrants and there were similar attitudes around that breed in the mid twentieth century. Prior to WWII Pit Bulls were a working class icon and were as much or more known for their reputation as great working dogs and loyal and loving family dogs as fighting dogs or vicious guard dogs.

Pit Bulls were bred for a wide variety of reasons and selected for many different traits but like most dogs they were foremost bread for physical traits and secondly for their temperament toward humans.

So what happened?

Racism it's always racism.

No new owner may settle in the area so long as they possess such a dog. Critics argue that these bans are not based on sound scientific or statistical evidence—that pit bulls pose no greater risk than any other breed of dog. Advocates of these laws urge that the bans are crucial to protect the public health and safety from dangerous dogs. Yet, perhaps these concerns have less to do with dogs and more to do with the individuals who own them. Breed-specific legislation may be being used as a new form of redlining to keep minorities out of majority-white neighborhoods.

“We don’t want those people here,” a city council member said of the bans. Strong cultural ties exist between pit bull dogs and the Black community. The same is true of the Latino community. Research undertaken here to investigate this claim suggests that people of color are perceived to be the most likely owner of this breed of dog. While at the present time, actual ownership data is not available, if true ownership resembles the perceived distribution measured here, such a finding may form the basis for a legal claim. Under new law, breed-specific legislation could be challenged under the Fair Housing Act if it can be shown that these laws are disproportionately excluding minority groups.

-The Black Man's Dog: The Social Context of Breed Specific Legislation, by Ann Linder

  • Nakoichi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My friend had a blue pit that he got a couple months after I got my cat (RIP to both of them Edit: the cat and the dog my human friend is still very much alive) so he was still a kitten and she was a tiny ball of wrinkles. They grew up together and she was the first dog my cat ever knew and he and my friend's cats were the first animals she ever knew. As she outgrew my cat (who was by no means small and had an even bigger attitude) I don't think she ever fully realized their new size disparity because my dude would bully the fuck out of her and she was always the most gentle and submissive and loving dog I've ever met.

    That said, if anyone showed aggression toward my friend, myself (or probably even my cat given how dominant he was in their relationship) she probably would have fucked them up real good.

    Pits are good dogs, and if you own any dog socializing and training them is your responsibility.

    • bottomfeeder [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      That last bit is all of it tbh. The owner has waaay more influence than any supposed genetic predisposition.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        3 years ago

        And that is where the ties to race science bullshit come into play. Not only has ownership of these wonderful animals been stigmatized, all of the bullshit statistical manipulation has been used to also justify racist eugenicist shit.

        This whole post was a response to what that godawful pit bull meme that got removed was alluding to. I'm seriously disappointed in all 30-something people here that upvoted that post.

          • Nakoichi [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Dog based redlining. If you really want to dive in to it I linked most of the comprehensive and data driven research along with a twitter thread recapping an interview on the subject.

            • LoudMuffin [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I don't know if it still exists, but when I was like 12 or 14 I found a forum entirely dedicated to hating pitbulls. Even at the time as a somewhat unlearned and naive kid I was like "bro this is some secret racist shit"

              it was just filled with tons of scientific dog racism, it was like :jesse-wtf:

              • Nakoichi [he/him]
                3 years ago

                Yeah it's all over reddit. Just go look at any picture of a cute pittie on r/aww the comments are always a complete shit show.

                  • Nakoichi [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    To be clear though, all dogs are comrades. They are the only(?) non human animal that understands the human gesture of pointing or will follow our gaze solely because of our own behavioral context cues absent any other stimuli.

                    • LoudMuffin [he/him]
                      3 years ago

                      dogs are incredibly BASED creatures who honestly deserve better than humans


                    • bottomfeeder [none/use name]
                      3 years ago

                      Big agree. The stereotypes are crafted, not ingrained. Man's best friend for thousands of years, despite our best efforts sometimes. Idk if K9 & combat dogs could be rehabilitated, but the rest of them (as with us) largely just want a loving home.

                    • silent_water [she/her]
                      3 years ago

                      They are the only(?) non human animal that understands the human gesture of pointing or will follow our gaze solely because of our own behavioral context cues absent any other stimuli.

                      I'm not sure this is true. I don't know about pointing in particular but I'm living with a parrot right now and he's learned how to laugh at contextually appropriate moments in a conversation. he can't understand the whole conversation and he sure af doesn't understand the subtleties of jokes but he does understand that statements delivered with a particular tone of voice are followed by people laughing in response. in fact, even when he's the only one to laugh at something, I've found that if I play the conversation back in my head, it turns out that someone just said something sardonic or sarcastic pretty much every time - it just didn't warrant a laugh to us. but the animal is definitely paying very close attention to a purely human behavioral context and picking out just one element - tone of voice in a conversation between people - responding to it in a socially appropriate way.

                      unlike dogs, he hasn't been specifically bred to care about humans, in particular. were he raised among parrots, he would have instead learned the complex social behavior of his flock. but, like dogs, he is a highly social animal that's been raised to regard humans as his social environment and so he spends a remarkable amount of time and energy devoted to trying to understand the behavior of the people with whom he shares his company, especially our verbal rituals.

                      • zan [she/her]
                        3 years ago

                        He also goes where I point him to go. Like half the time sure he ignores me or talks back but he knows what I mean.

                      • Nakoichi [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        Against their will. Cop dogs are literally slaves abused and broken to the point they can be made to attack other people on command. Something that tens of thousands of years of coevolution has weeded out.

                        To make a dog attack a person means that you have severely traumatized the dog.