Lol I know we shouldn’t care but democrats suuuuuuuuuuuuck
This is gold. This is the kind of shit that my lib acquaintances think doesn't exist and that I exaggerate. When I mention it, they'll immediately say, "no that didn't happen" and then I'll share the link and they'll move ever so slightly closer to losing their grips on reality.
I remember reading a metaphor about the two parties responding to a flood.
The Republican party will send down a line of barbed wire to drowning victims. It will ultimately hurt those who take it and probably leave them worse off.
The Democratic party won't send down anything at all. And then they'll wonder why people decide to grab the barbed wire.
Whether they read theory or not, when people lose faith in the status quo, they radicalize. And they can either veer left or right depending on their pre-existing worldview and what they find in their search for a new explanation.
The GOP offers a radical right-wing explanation and solution, both fascist and objectively wrong.
The Democrats offer no message, other than the status quo is fine if you just clap for its life hard enough.
In the absence of any audible Left-wing messaging, and Right-wing broadcasting firing at full blast, people giving up on voting will drift Right by default.
So what you're saying is that the DNC needs to pivot right to get the vote.
We gotta tell Biden to stop doing communism!
Regan says “trickle down Economics “ which is just the rich pissing on the rest of us.
Democrats give us “nothing, and you’ll fucking be grateful “
Whenever conservatives lose they don’t blame their followers
As a guy living in Texas who hears what Republicans say about each other, I assure you that they absolutely do. Hell, Donald Trump won in 2016 by dunking on Bush Republicans and McCain Republicans as saps and losers. He won a popular majority within his party by dunking on it. And the various factions within the GOP are absolutely all knives-out for one another as soon as their left flank feels secure.
The QAnoners and the Mormons and the Country Club Evangelicals and the blue collar bubbas all hate one another at least as much as any suburban white woman hates the American Native mowing her law or the black accountant filling in her tax forms or the Zoomer dropping off Uber Eats at her front porch.
But democrats want to play the game of rules and civility so they won’t even attack their enemies.
Obamacrats hide behind rules and civility when they're explaining why they lost.
They are more than happy to cut the brake lines on your car, as soon as the cameras switch off.
Man, nice to see them destroying every bit of morale that their voters have left before the mid term. The con must be ecstatic.
It's almost as if the democrats SHOULDN'T have spent the last 40 years attempting to woo conservatives...
Sounds like a campaign slogan to me! "Vote for me you stupid fuck! Suck my ass I won't give you shit, vote for me though, dumbass!"
They're really going to ride the whole "Should have voted harder" thing into the ground and into the depths of the Earth's core aren't they?
Ah yes, the strategy of "vote for us you fucking evil morons who don't know what's good for you and are ungrateful for our leadership"
He’s creepy as fuck too. He starts out with his normal face and then two seconds in - he’s gone fully into Pundit Smile Mode like a velociraptor.
"Would it not in that case be simpler
for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?"
-Bertolt Brecht