For example, as one of only three people still regularly working in the office, I can take long, luxurious bathroom breaks. No more pooping on a five-minute break timer. I've saved a lot on toilet paper.
For example, as one of only three people still regularly working in the office, I can take long, luxurious bathroom breaks. No more pooping on a five-minute break timer. I've saved a lot on toilet paper.
ok based :CommiePOGGERS:
This actually reminded me of a funny story. I used to know someone who was a programmer for some kind of Wall Street hedge fund money company. He was your pretty average nerd, but all the other people who worked there were douchey finance bros.
Well, these finance guys decided that they wanted to drink the "best coffee" available while they worked, so they bought some thousand dollar espresso machine for their office. And then, they bought a year's supply of the most expensive coffee to use in the machine.
But the funny thing is, good coffee doesn't need to be expensive, it just needs to be fresh. So these guys were using expensive coffee grounds that had been sitting on the shelf for eight, nine, ten, eleven months. That coffee was stale shit, but they kept drinking it and thinking that it was the best because they paid so much money for it.