Woly [any]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • So, roller coaster tycoon but with a dungeon. You have to set up levels of your monster ecosystem and balance it to lure adventurers in. The adventurers need to be able to go deep enough into your dungeon to make it alluring to them, but they can't have such an easy time that they just wipe out everything in their way.

    Omg, and then you could have heroes that are special unique adventurers who are an increased threat to the dungeon ecosystem and you have to marshal your resources to stop them before they get to the end.

  • The reddit website, besides being a moral and intellectual tar pit, is now functionally unusable after the most recent redesign. Even when I put myself into the mindset of a profit maximizing tech bro idiot leech creature, I still cannot fathom how you could design a website that functions so badly both on mobile and desktop browsers.

    Scrolling down the feed just repeats the same posts over and over, comment threads only show two comments (sometimes just one!) before cutting off and filling the rest of the page with useless bullshit. Trying to look at literally any image is basically a 50/50 coin toss whether it will be formatted so badly that it's illegible and also somehow fucks up the formatting on the original page so you have to reload at the top of the feed.

    I feel like the programmers at Reddit must be like that pretentious chef from Pig, constantly telling themselves that they're successful to stave off the impending mental breakdown that comes from being a complete and utter fraud.