Steam, lemmy and reddit are currently creaming themselves over a game which devs makes multiple really cringe "jokes" about slavery and exploitation. Read the steam page descriptions.





Those "pals" are clearly antropomorphised creatures being dogwhistle for humans. And if you read the game reviews, even the g*mers are not lost on that fact (just they love that):






    6 months ago

    Yeah this game is just a mish-mash glorifying both slavery AND animal cruelty. Very uncomfortable... and the fact this game is so popular speaks volumes.

    EDIT: Learned a lot about certain comrades through this comment thread, didn't expect so many to get so defensive about their favorite bourgeois franchises.

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Sincerely yes, I think there is no conclusion you can come to about games like Pokemon except that an integral part of the premise is "What if dogfighting was flashier," and they do various things to try to overwrite that fact, but the fact remains.

            6 months ago

            Then you don't know anything about the genre and you clearly haven't put any thought into it past "two dogs fighting each other". Especially considering in game it's canon that Pokémon can leave their trainers if they didn't want to stay.

            Or do you want to extend this to Shin Megami Tensei too? Is collecting demons and using them against your enemies just dogfighting too?

            It's just a vulgar misrepresentation of the genre and my special interest (the creator of Pokémon got the idea from collecting fucking bugs), and you sound like one of those PETA people who have also been misrepresenting Pokémon since like the fucking 90s.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              6 months ago

              lmao No matter how many times I tell electrode to Explode, he doesn't leave me, so shrug-outta-hecks who cares what the LoRe says? The devs are too cowardly to make the abuse victim do more than be grumpy, so that shit means nothing.

              I don't give a shit if it's your special interest (it has been mine in the past), that doesn't insulate it from criticism. In SMT at least you actually persuade demons to join you. With Pokemon you do violence to subdue and subjugate them and little hearts and friendship meters don't change the skeleton. Pokemon Ranger makes a much better case because you're at least only temporarily conscripting them, but don't you fucking tell me that the mainline practice of beating and paralyzing a juvenile animal and then sticking it in a computer box forever is pro-social from a standpoint that considers the animal.

                6 months ago


                Edit: I was going to originally just leave this here cause I didn't wanna bother responding to someone using purposefully misrepresenting arguments about Pokémon but I mentioned it being my special interest not cause "it's above criticism" but cause I know what I'm talking about more than someone using PETA level arguments.

                You don't know what you're talking about, so I have nothing to argue with you, I'd rather just block you cause you've already made your mind up about it and talking about it in discussion is pointless because it's your uninformed opinion anyway. 🤷🏿‍♂️

            • booty [he/him]
              6 months ago

              Especially considering in game it's canon that Pokémon can leave their trainers if they didn't want to stay.

              copium. i trapped it in a ball and then locked it in a box forever.

                        • CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]
                          6 months ago

                          Someone asks you what your problem is since you're hopping mad and insulting them because they dared to (100% correctly) criticize a game/genre you like? And your response is that they are antagonizing you? Rather than assume that everyone who thinks there are real and easily demonstrated problematic issues with your favorite media is actually just out to "antagonize" you, you might serve yourself better if instead you stop and reflect on why it makes you so upset and why you so quickly jump to taking videogame criticism so personally.

                          Or you can completely forgo any self crit and block me for antagonizing you or something, and if that's the case, I will enjoy it because it will be funny.

        6 months ago really aren't sending us their best. They're sending nazis, they're sending slavery fetishists, they're sending 4channers; they're just sending awful fucking people.

          6 months ago

          I made account there when lemmy world was down from time to time last year. I don't care whats the domain i send from because I read a lot of different opinions. This here is a weak one. I'm not supporting slavery because of my stance about that game the same way I don't support murdering people on the streets. Slavery is newer thing in games but murder is normalized, so this sounds hypocrytical and virtue signaling.

            6 months ago

            Yeah no I'm not here to debate you, the point is to drag your malaised "well acktually" debatelord horseshit. You actively consume and uplift a media property that outright leans into the concepts of chattel slavery of both man and beast, thinking you're being cute or clever by "wait til you see GTA". Fuckin call me when GTA has an Iceberg Slim simulator as a fuckin multi-level minigame. Your shit is not worth debating; if you're cool with shit like this, your opinions literally mean nothing to me from that point on other than 'something to be avoided'.

            "Virtue signaling", please take your cracker ass elsewhere.

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Can you enslave them and work them to death, then eat their corpses? No? Guess you can shut the fuck up then, huh?

        6 months ago

        You mean the game where you can be a mass shooter and perform a drawn out torture on a character? Really not helping your point.