Warning: extremely toxic thread
I thought there was an antiwork community here? Anyways I'm not sure where to put this. Just kinda sucks that the interview didn't go well and that people are shitting on this person and misgendering her for not being a white male factory worker or something.
/r/antiwork is kind of in shambles rn because the mods are trying keep the discourse from spinning out of control but a ton of people there are being transphobic and turning on the mods, and of course the mods are being accused of being authoritarian for trying to run the sub.
I hope the sub can bounce back, but it's a dark day in there for sure.
I don’t mean to diminish the transphobia present, or from the typical reddit shitfest.
but. they deserve a LOT of the disappointment facing them. this was 100% a fuck up. they never should have been on that show, and that mod has no place in any leadership role or public facing role.
WE NEED TO DO BETTER. we do not win a war with mealy mouthed losers. the proletariat are strong, we work hard, we deserve and need representation that actually showcases that.
this was a completely pathetic interview that just destroyed a million plus member strong movement. in one fell swoop. i do not exaggerate how bad this is for the left.
yes we want to make sure everyone had a place, that people like that mod have a place in society and are not forced to labour for someone else’s profits but this is so so so so bad. to the point where it could genuinely be an op because it was so perfectly terrible.
i hope my comment isn’t taken poorly, i do not want to disparage anyone unjustly. this is not an attack on anyone’s identity, but on their ACTIONS.
I have no idea who this person is but I will say there is a very good reason why organizations usually have only one person designated to answer media questions. Too many people simply cannot handle the heat of an interview, especially a hostile one.
Topmod /u/abolishwork.
It's pretty generous to call antiwork a movement, which is precisely why you get some rando on Fox representing it
very good point
Love to call an autistic person a "mealy mouthed loser".
no dude, not every criticism of someone turns on their neurotypicality. the mod had a poor showing -- hence OP's language. i don't see how it (the language) turned on the mod being autistic or not (are autistic people of such a delicate and protected class that they can't be criticized on the merits? i shouldn't think so; that would be "ableist".)
Do you think it's a bit counterproductive to gatekeep autism and act like NDs are completely helpless when it comes to changing their behavior? A lot of what they did seems to just be a bad decision. This seems to teeter on learned helplessness and actually be ableist in and of itself
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Going up against the behemoth that is US capital is hard enough, let alone when you get people infighting and harping on 'mealy mouthed loser'. Who the fuck cares.
This mod did a terrible job. I judge them based on how they handled the interview---and they were extremely ill-prepared.
You "leftists" sure are bad at taking criticism of your ableism.
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the fuck?
well well well, looks like even the mods here are insistent on holding the thin-mod line.
log off
you can be both. i personally know people with asd who can handle themselves well in front of a camera, i’m sure we all do. you can have autism and be a loser, or you can have autism and not be a loser.
stop making excuses for someone. they fucked up. they are a loser. identity or disability notwithstanding.
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