I know it's :reddit-logo: but jesus christ this is just... Do they not know what books are? Have they ever seen one? Can I donate one to them?
I'm actually surprised it was downvoted but small mercies.
Link because I'm not a lib - https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/si8f9s/arent_most_people_including_most_democrats_in/
Nah, they're not at all sympathetic to Nazism. They're pretty leftwing overall and I've been to anti-fascist demos with them. They just have some of the brainworms of growing up within a liberal political culture and reading too many pop history books written by Guardian columnists and the like. The whole reason it matters to them is that what they perceive to be the failure of the KPD to form a unified fascist front with the centre-left means that the party is now tainted with the stain of fascism. Ultimately, I don't think it matters that much other than being frustrating
It's a-historical and that's demonstrably true and provable. Really weird and super specific wrong thing to cling to lacking an ideology reason tho
I'm not sure it's so simple though. That narrative has a lot of mainstream traction and has assumed a kind of popular orthodoxy. Like, from my perspective, obviously there are good reasons that a popular front doesn't happen in the 1930s - for example, only a decade earlier the SDP had sent the Freikorps to crush the Sparticist revolution! But if you go to wikipedia (from which my friend and a lot of other liberals interested in history and politics get a lot of their information from and generally trust because for some reason they see it as different from other big tech companies), the article on the KDP pre-WW2 only has citations from a New Statesman article about how the KDP enabled fascism by rejecting the popular front and supported dissolving the Prussian parliament