It’s all allegations, they never even confirmed any cultural genocide taking place in China. Why doesn’t the US just send a NATO rep to investigate and confirm or deny any events taking place?

Oh right, western propaganda

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Only English speaking countries seem willing to follow at this point. Australia seems fully committed to follow us to the death, the UK and Canada are close behind. But even New Zealand is like “Okay that’s enough, we’re not gonna burn bridges with our biggest trading partner for your egos”

    It really is an Anglo specific psychosis

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Don't know about New Zealand but the UK & Australia have both historically had Labour governments soft couped by the US. The UK twice if you count US spookery around the Corbyn election.

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      austrialia, has like, less people that california though right? It is just mostly empty, but looks real big on a map so people forget it is mostly just a handful of colonists, rabbits, and some mass graves of the aboriginal peoples.