I’m in the prime of my youth, and that’s basically my whole dating history. Not to sound like an incel but being alone and constantly rejected fucking hurts, it just sucks so much.

I guess you could say I’m still so young or whatever but that’s even worse because like I’m supposed to be dating and having sex and having fun at this age lmao. And soon enough I’m going to reach a point where my lack of experience is going to be unattractive, I’m definitely looking forward to that.

I just want love. :doomjak: Not to get too “we live in a society” but maybe this world/society isn’t meant for love and lovers. In which case I’d rather not exist here anymore.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    you said it yourself. 20 is young. i hadn't been in a relationship, on a date, kissed, anything, with anyone, until i was 22 (feds screenshot this for my file plz). don't let that dumbass hallmarko-catholic holiday bullshit grind you down. love is out there, and you are worthy of it as long as your heart beats. don't feel like you have to be hitting certain milestones at a the correct rate or gaining certain "experience" like a good little neoliberal subject filling out a resume. every new relationship (that goes for romance and friendship) will continue to feel completely new, and the only broadly applicable experience you really gain is experience of yourself.

    rejection definitely fucking sucks but it's not the end of the world. getting rejected just means you're trying, and if you have the guts to try, you're braver and emotionally better-equipped than most people at your age.

    this is bog standard dating advice, but if you want to, it might be a good time to experiment with how you present yourself, clothes, hair, grooming habits. like, hone in on looks you like and see what you can borrow from that. i think that's a pretty good source of the oft-touted "confidence" that people use to get with other people.