:libertarian-approaching: "if you took a peepee in 2012, it would be worth a poopoo today"
sweet I'm going to invest in the bread company instead of eating this week
stupid poor people. always spending their money on food and transportation and housing, instead of investing it like a Sigma Cryptoaire
if you spent 5$ on a sandwich in 2012 today you'd still be shitting it out your doo doo ass. if instead you spent 5$ on a lottery ticket (and won) you'd be rich as a god damn bullionaire.
Never mind that if you have 77000 in disposable income you would've already been a millionaire in 2012.
Broke: sell all your possessions and follow Jesus Woke: sell all your possessions and follow the line
Even investors think playing this hindsight game is dumb. Because you can say if you did something utterly illogical, like invest $1000 into bitcoin every month from when it was introduced, never sold until it peaked, you would be the richest person who ever lived, by far. But it still would be incredibly stupid to do that.
don't buy a tesla
at least there is some correct advice here
If you don't buy the cars, Elon can't pump the stock up with a tweet ya fucking dolt
no the stock market isn't material things but because it's made up rather than being a spiritual thing
I sooo cannot wait for the schadenfreude when these memes will work in the opposite direction.
"If you bought $77,000 worth of Telsa shares, today it would be worth $0.67. You could have bought yourself a life, loser"
If you can simply predict the future you can be rich. Stupid poor's not understanding this.