I get this is the silliest thing to be concerned about right now with everything going on, but it does feel like the hawks scored a point here in the market place of ideas. Trying to add any context to the shitty situation in Eastern Europe is gonna come off as Putin apologia. I feel like it used to be a bit easier to pill Libs on being anti-war by putting to the USs fuck. But now that a country the hawks hated did a thing they predicted he’d do, well…

  • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It never was socially acceptable.

    You're a nice person? You are considered a social outcast in the west. The ENTIRE INTERNET is a massive nazi circlejerk, Fox News is the most trusted and almost universally beloved media source, right next to Breitbart, and the only reason the ignorant westerner has a problem with ISIS Is that they are not white Christians and THAT'S IT.

    Sorry to go full doomer, but I hate how we're the only sane people (presumably) in the west but we are the most hated.

      3 years ago

      the only reason the ignorant westerner has a problem with ISIS Is that they are not white Christians and THAT’S IT.

      big facts