edit: Wait no, it's maybe worse. That's the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan so this is actual weeaboo cosplay:

Along with the impressive image, Korsunsky wrote in English and Japanese "We know what we are fighting for. How about Russia?"

Sergiy Korsunsky

  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    How big of a weeb do you have to be that your home country just gives you the title of ambassador to Japan? Like is Moldova gonna find the one guy in their country who eats their steak well done with ketchup and send him to the US? Is that how ambassadorships work now?

    • happybadger [he/him]
      3 years ago

      There can't be enough going on between Japan and Ukraine to justify it being a full-time job. I'd totally take it if I could spend ten hours a week working and the rest of the time gorging myself on Japanese food.