edit: Wait no, it's maybe worse. That's the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan so this is actual weeaboo cosplay:

Along with the impressive image, Korsunsky wrote in English and Japanese "We know what we are fighting for. How about Russia?"

Sergiy Korsunsky

  • notceps [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Bushido is not quite like Chivalry, for the most part it was used to push an imperial cult during the Meji restoration as they feared during westernization they'd adopt some things like liberalism i.e. getting rid of a cringe royal, that's why they took some rather obscure, for his time, samurai and pushed his philosophy on what makes a good samurai. All spearheaded by Inoue Tetsujirō a huge xenophobe and imperialist that basically wrote the 'modern samurai' into reality, his revisionism and his explicit racism were of enormous use to Japan’s political leaders, who saw immense value in promoting an ideology of militarization, nationalism, and xenophobia, in order to turn the entire country into a de facto army united by fanatical loyalty to the emperor and the goal of imperial expansion. And this weaponized Bushido militarism whatever you want to call it was used as a sort of Manifest Bushido fueling wars of conquest and imperialism all over Asia.

    So yes they are both made to lionize a historical knightly/warrior class that never existed however Bushido was pushed quite a bit more than chivalry I think the whole Viking mythos is a better comparison as that one was pushed by the swedes to feel better about losing finland.

      • notceps [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Do you happen to know what group of texts I’m talking about from Yamaga Soko btw? I’m just asking because you seem to know a lot more about the relevant Japanese history.

        I don't I'm sorrry.

        And I can see your reasoning I'd totally agree that their positions/situations in said hierarchy is very similar, however I'd disagree on the dynamic part. Your experience can very well be different to mine but the three 'warriors' that are really appealing to Chuds from my experience are Vikings, Spartans and Samurais. Knights aren't as sexy to fascism and reaction as the others could you rewrite them to be? Absolutely but I don't see it currently.

        I'm really just arguing minute things because bored.

        • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Knights aren’t as sexy to fascism

          What's up with that? Like...I think you're right...but I don't really get why. The space marines of warhammer 40k are closer to knights then modern marines so really its all there...but I feel like Chuds don't really latch onto Knights as a cultural touchstone. Is it just cause they're not trendy or in fashion? Kinda feels like it.

          • notceps [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Might just be an aesthetic thing: Samurai got their swords, Vikings got their axes, Knights have Armour makes it the least accessible and rather boring.