reptilian thinks killing a million people is brave and fighting against the herd of orthodox sheeple:

Spoke to someone recently who said "your side has won": restrictions ending etc Shows gulf in understanding."My" side is feeling the loss of childhoods, trust in public health, mental health. Angry at enormity of global poverty increase, huge enrichment of richest.Have "we" won?

"Nooo, you haters don't understand how woke my nazi eugenics project is!!!" the PMC radlibs who did the holocaust are screeching because their necropolitics attempts to reconcile the contradictions of class society didn't work yet again.

Pretty funny how all their calls for "facing reality" somehow don't involve pointing out how clearly and obviously satanic these whiny narcissist freaks are? The reality is that Iron Felix was based for doing his Soviet Red Terror secret police stuff against these annoying dorks, in addition to fighting diseases like typhus