this motherfricker wore a bright yellow coat. I'm sorry I keep posting this shit but it has officially become funny to me. look at the shitty woodland camo grip for urban warfare
this motherfricker wore a bright yellow coat. I'm sorry I keep posting this shit but it has officially become funny to me. look at the shitty woodland camo grip for urban warfare
You're asking a Bolshevik. :shrug-outta-hecks:
It's a quest for self-affirmation and rehumanisation. That can be constructive or destructive, like socialist and reactionary politics both being outgrowths of alienation channeled positively or negatively. If you can meet that hierarchy of needs in a way that makes you grow as an individual rather than lash out/inward, that's at least countering the underlying things that give you a magnetic attraction to self-destructive outlets.