Bruh, I could not care less about the Ukraine and even I can remember reading several news stories (in generic lib outlets) about that weird fascist imperialist project! Trying to do an Orwellian history revision and pretend only RT is talking about this is not going to work lol

The sudden omni-presence of smug sanctimonious gaslighting in every twitter replies has just confirmed my bias. This is obviously a deep state psyop upheld by radlibs who do nothing but parrot CIA talking points they read on The Daily Beast (which itself talked about these nazis)

do a search and see the woke glowies squirming in the dirt:

here's one example, some sort of gibbering Vaush reply guy:

✊🇺🇦 🌹/🧦 | ✊🇵🇸 | 👎🇷🇺🇨🇳/☭/Ⓐ/🌐/M🅰️G🅰️

Literal Nazis. But you won't see tankies shedding crocodile tears over those guys now do you?

you won't see soy imperialists crying reptilian tears over their CIA color revolutions that want to ruin more human lives for their "literal nazi" finance capitalist overlords. Actually these dorks will call you an antisemetic fascist for critiquing Soros' "Open Society" CIA NGO praxis, which the PMC @OccupyDemocrats (they're the first thing that comes up if you search this phrase, they're pro-democrats lol) got some Adbusters money from.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    Wow these Wagner guys sure seem bad, I'm glad we're not giving them weapons or money or training, it would be really bad if the liberal west opportunistically supported neo-nazis just to reinforce their imperialist interests.