There's this bullshit going around on reddit, propagandists from r/cryptoleftists are going around spreading disinformation and trying to get leftists involved in DAOs and cryptocurrency. It's so obviously a troll op yet I see so many actual leftists kinda falling for it. Thankfully nobody so far has fallen directly into it, most of them approach cautiously but the fact that anyone is falling for it at all when cryptocurrency is so obviously a tool of the far right just baffles me. Like, they literally use that shit for union busting.

  • mark_zuckerberg [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Monero can be legitimately useful for sending money without being traced though. Dark web marketplaces use it for a reason. The stuff peddled by cryptoleftists is indeed bullshit but I don't think all use of cryptocurrency should be ruled out completely.

    • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Yeah if they were referring to that sort of stuff I wouldn't have a problem with it. They're pushing Bitcoin, Ethereum and DAOs. Pretty obvious what their intents are.

    • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Organizers go on the blockchain. Bosses see them on the blockchain. Positively identify everyone then fire them.

      • Naal [he/him]
        3 years ago

        at the risk of getting banned from hexbear, that's not how it works. The only identifying information on the ethereum blockchain is an ethereum address, which looks like this: "0x34598h8hrf9ufi9jefijefoiwjefw8eur" (not a valid address, just an example). There is no way for a boss to identify an individual employee from their ethereum address. If the employee sells crypto and then exchanges it for fiat, that is done through the Centralized Exchange's (ie Coinbase) ethereum address and does not publicly reveal the employee's bank account. Only the Centralized Exchange knows the bank information, and they treat it as private customer info and would not divulge it unless ordered to by law.

        Caveat that this only applies to ethereum, each blockchain is unique so you may be talking about another blockchain that I'm less familiar with

        • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
          3 years ago

          That specific criticism applies to DAOs and other smart contracts. Even then, Crypto isn't anywhere near as secure as people think it is. It only takes one slip-up for your address to get leaked, and you can never change it.

  • bloop [he/him]
    3 years ago

    That’s a good sub. It’s not disinformation even if you disagree with their conclusions.

    edit: and in no way does anyone there endorse fascism