Like, the donut displays were swarmed by the little ladies. Its definitely better than killing them, but like.. if i get stung wrong I die lmao

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    its pretty normal here in mexico, bakaries and candy store normally have bees, people dont kill them or hit them off the food since they arent seen as dirty animals, even some people think that if a store has bees then it must use natural ingredients and its therefore good

  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    1 year ago

    i appreciate that for someone who's deathly scares of the buggers this might sound horrible, but bees are supposed to just wander about everywhere, and if they're not a fixture where you are it's because a) you live in a desert b) the local environment is going to shit via climate change or good old fashioned pesticides

  • Sopje
    1 year ago

    If it’s the season then definitely. Only way to prevent it is to perform speciecide on them which we kinda are with all the pesticides we use

  • RNAi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yes, also hanging around fruit in fruitmarkets