To play the devil's advocate; Setting up a large scale training involves probably tens of thousands of people, millions of dollars, and millions of moving parts. Even if they had wanted to analyze what happened and learn from it that would be something to do in next-years op. They've got a time window to work with, so aside from COPE they probably also reset and went ahead with other trainings because they didn't have time to change the schedule and start over from scratch. The training where the US got it's ass absolutely handed to it would be studied and workshopped and analyzed for future use.
That said, the US did get it's teeth kicked in and the "enemy" have had 20 years to iterate and improve while the US military remains burdened by the fiscal needs of the military industrial complex and it's role as America's leading jobs program.
To play the devil's advocate; Setting up a large scale training involves probably tens of thousands of people, millions of dollars, and millions of moving parts. Even if they had wanted to analyze what happened and learn from it that would be something to do in next-years op. They've got a time window to work with, so aside from COPE they probably also reset and went ahead with other trainings because they didn't have time to change the schedule and start over from scratch. The training where the US got it's ass absolutely handed to it would be studied and workshopped and analyzed for future use.
That said, the US did get it's teeth kicked in and the "enemy" have had 20 years to iterate and improve while the US military remains burdened by the fiscal needs of the military industrial complex and it's role as America's leading jobs program.
It's the US army that's pocket change for them. Also it's not like they have important things to do