In case it's not obvious: SK has a population of 52M. If that proportion of infections/cases carries over to the US, then it would be higher than any of our peaks so far. Having that many people sick (1.2% of 350M) at once would be a disaster. Even the line cult should be afraid. Imagine if 3M people didn't show up for work one day. Or they had to take 5 days off. Other countries are going to do the right thing and close down again. There goes the supply chain stuff again. No one in the US is going to want to stop it because even the Dems want covid to be over. That means it's going to run through us without any problems. Even if 1% of the infections result in hospitalization, all ICUs will be taken up.

Enjoy whatever we have now while you can. Go out, have your bit of post-covid fun. But get your boosters if you haven't and start preparing for a repeat of 2020.

  • Theblarglereflargle [any]
    3 years ago

    US is too spread out and too death culted to do anything. Half the country feels vindicated for calling it a hoax over the thing about homemade masks being worthless as well as them moving the goalposts to deaths instead of infections since they are convinced COVID is a cold. On top of that the elites got everyone to believe inflation was being caused by the fucking 2K of checks being sent out so that lockdown will never happen again.

    We are never going back into lockdown, I feel so sorry for anyone who’s immunocompromised.

    Look forward to more laws forcing healthcare workers to stay at their jobs

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      This time around, you're going to have to prove that you spent at least $200/month at local restaurants or face a fine.

    • Omegamint [comrade/them, doe/deer]
      3 years ago

      It's sad because the checks/pua were likely the drivers of the real economy. Gonna be interesting to see how bad it all gets next time we peak

      • Theblarglereflargle [any]
        3 years ago

        They literally confirmed this with the spike in sales shortly after they went out and the drip during Christmas.

        I am terrified next time we peak. It might be the final death blow for a lot of school districts that are already dying.